M: Hello Linda.
男:你好,琳达 。
W: Hello Rob.
女:你好,罗伯 。
M: Happy New Year to you, Linda. The festive season is over — so, did all that holiday shopping break the bank?
W: You mean, did I spend too much money? Well, yes I did.
女:你是想问我,假期是不是花了一大笔钱吧?嗯,是花了很多 。
M: Well,do you know about showrooming?
W: Yes, customers visit shops to see and test products before buying them online.
女:知道,就是顾客们到实体店体验产品,然后在网上购买 。
M: Yeah, you see technology is changing the way we shop and it could spell disaster — or be very bad for — the high street.
男:对,先进的科学技术正在逐渐改变我们的购物方式,这对商业街上的实体店来说可能是一场大的灾难 。
W: The high street, you mean those everyday shops that we normally see in our town centres? Things like shoe shops, news agents, supermarkets,
M: Yes, the high street is competing with the internet. I buy things like CDs, electrical goods and food online.
男:是的,商业街正在跟互联网竞争 。比如唱片,电子产品和食物之类的东西,我会选择在网上购买 。
W: Ah, but have you ever 'showroomed' before, Rob?
M: Yes,I showroomed and then bought a camera at a knock-down price online. I know I'm not alone in doing this though. Research found 24% of people showroomed while Christmas shopping last year.
男:是的,我在实体店看好一款相机,然后低价从网上购买的 。这样做的人肯定不止我一个 。研究发现,去年圣诞节购物时,24%的人选择这种购物方式 。
W: And a market research company also found one third of consumers around the world said they used this type of shopping.
女:市场调研公司还发现全球三分之一的消费者都会选择这种方式购物 。
M: Now, although people do it to try and save money, there are other reasons for this, too.
男:人们之所以会选择这样的购物方式,除省钱外,还有其他的理由 。
W: What are they?
M: Three reasons for people to showroom: They are short on time, short on money, and they want reassurance.
男:理由有三个:没有充裕的时间,没有足够的资金,还有就是想要寻求安慰 。
W: Yes, reassurance — so they want to know what the product really looks like and they want to be confident they are buying the right thing.
女:是的,安慰——其实他们就是想看看真正的实物如何,然后从买到的“物超所值”的商品中提升自信 。
M: I think that's true, I like to inspect what I am buying. If you go to a shop and look at the real thing, you get a much better idea of what it's like — but I also want a bargain.
男:说的没错,我就是喜欢检查下自己买的东西 。去实体商店的话,你对商品的了解会更加全面——但我还是想跟商家讨价还价 。
W: We could say we use the internet to shop around.
女:互联网购物可以让我们逐店选购,货比三家 。
M: That's a good phrase, meaning to look around for the best deal. Using a smartphone is an increasingly popular way to do this.
男:说的好,也就是说我们可以选到最适合的商品 。现在越来越多的人喜欢拿着智能手机网购商品 。
W: Smartphones are also useful for getting product reviews — these are the kind of opinions or comments about the product.
女:还可以用智能手机浏览商品的评论——这些评论是消费者对于商品的意见或看法 。
M: Yes, and you can also use smartphones to scan the barcodes on the product and compare prices that way.
男:没错,智能手机还可以扫描商品的二维码,还可以对比价格 。
W: So it seems browsing — that's looking at things to buy but not actually purchasing something in store —is set to increase. Does this mean the death of the high street?
女:现在到实体店只浏览不消费的现象越来越严重 。这是不是意味着实体店将要关门大吉?
M: I think it will have to adapt or make changes. It could try to compete on price more or offer more incentives when you are in the shop.
男:我觉得实体店的商家应该适应市场变化或者寻求一些改变 。可以在价格上再优惠一些或者搞一些活动刺激店里的顾客的购买欲 。
W: Incentives—these are things to encourage you to buy the product there and then. Perhaps a discount voucher or a free gift?
女:所谓刺激消费——是指说服顾客当场买下商品的一系列措施 。可能是张折扣券或者一份免费的小礼物?
M: Oh, yes.
男:哦,是的 。