日期:2016-02-01 17:52



  NO.1. Agree or disagree: the advice from grandparents is of no use for their grandchildren because the world has changed too much over the past 50 years.


  题目大意为:因为世界在过去的50年里改变了很多,所以祖父母的建议对年轻人来说不再有用了。 此题目建议选择同意,思考分论点时可以将advice进行拆分举例,拆分为在学校生活和工作生活两方面的建议。


  分论点一: 祖父母的建议对孩子的学校生活没有帮助。(To begin with, grandparents’ suggestions do not work for education of young people. )

  解释: 祖父母与孙子孙女们接受的教育完全不一样,而且知识也在随着时间推移而进行革新。现在孩子们在学习上遇到问题或者上大学选专业时,祖父母的建议几乎不能起到任何作用,甚至会产生误导。

  分论点二: 祖父母的建议对孩子的工作也没有作用。(Secondly, the advice from grandparents cannot help their kids to solve the problems in work. )

  解释: 随着职场日益专业化的分工,不管是工作内容还是工作类型已经超出祖父母的认知。比如,互联网相关的职业中的问题,祖父母不能给出一些有用的建议,因为很多老年人都是电脑盲。


  1. 知识的更新和修订: the revision and updates of knowledge

  2. 选专业: major-choosing

  3. 误导: mislead sb

  4. 超出…的理解: beyond understanding for sb

  5. 日益细化的分工:the increasingly specialized division of labors

  6. 电脑盲: be computer illiterate

  NO. 2. More and more people are beginning to spend large sums of money on their pets, even though there are better ways to spend this money.


  题目大意为:尽管有更好的方式来花钱,但是越来越多的人花了太多的钱在宠物上。凡是题目本身出现了too much/ a large sum of 等类似的字眼,题目暗含的意思为:不应该做此事。 回到该题目意思即为:人们不应该花太多钱在养宠物上。此类题目选择不同意更好写,即认为花在养宠物上的钱并没有太多,因为养宠物是好事,理由可以采取拆分举例的方式,养宠物一方面可以为老人提供陪伴,排遣孤独;另一方面可以教会孩子责任感。


  主观点: It is an overstatement that people spend too much money in keeping pets.

  分论点一:对老人来说,排遣孤独。(Having pets can keep the old people company and make them not to feel isolated. )

  解释: 老人退休之后,会有大把的空闲时间,但是他们的娱乐活动确实有限的,同时他们的子女由于工作忙很少会陪伴他们,因此很多老人会感到孤独。养小猫小狗可以帮助老年人打发时间甚至成为他们的情感寄托。(After retirement, the grey-haired people are entitled with lots of spare time. However, the entertainment acitivities suitable for them are quite limited. Also, their sons and daughter are busy with their work schedule, thus failing to accompany old people frequently. As a result, the loneliness and boredom will creep up on old generations. In this case, the doggie and puppy will become a major way to kill time and even become their companions. )

  分论点二:对于孩子来说,养宠物可以留下美好的回忆和培养责任感。(Keeping pets will help kids own a rosy memory and, more importantly, cultivate a sense of reponsibility.)



  拥有/被赋予: be entitled with

  无法陪伴: fail to accompany

  工作忙碌:working under a tight schedule

  悄然而至: creep up on sb

  零花钱:pocket money

  回忆、回首过去: in retrospect to the past

  让自己对… 负责: hold oneself accountable for

  在…过程中:in the process/course of doing ..

  NO. 3 The most important characteristic of a successful politicians or leader is the ability to communicate well.


  题目大意为:对于成功的政治家和领导者来说,沟通能力是最重要的一项品质。题目内部有 the most important 是绝对词,选择不同意好写。 采用:承认合理性,反驳绝对性。


  让步段:不得不承认,沟通能力很重要可以避免产生误解,保证团队内部的和谐和保持凝聚力。最终团队的工作效率得以提升。 但是,要说沟通能力对于领导者来说是最重要有些言过其实,因为还有其他构成优秀领导的重要品质。(Admittedly, communicational skills is an important value for a good leader. The reason underlying the above claim is that good ability of interacting with others will help to avoid misunderstanding and mistrust in a team and thus guarantee the harmony between leaders and team members. However, it is an overstatement that communication skills play the most important role in making a successful leader, because there are other essential qualities that forge an excellent leader. )

  分论点一: 组织能力对领导来说不可或缺。(Firstly, organizational skills is also an indispensable characteristic for leaders. )


  分论点二: 超强的应变能力对领导来说也是至关重要的(Secondly, strong adaptability to contigency is critically important for leaders. )



  1. 分配: allot/ allocate sth to ..

  2. 知人善任:know one’s subordinate well enough to assign them suitable jobs

  3. 快速反应: rapid response to ..

  4. 被淘汰:be eliminated through competition

  5. 资金短缺: shortage of funds

  NO.4 Some people think people would feel happier when their job assignments or schoolworks are full of challenges. However, some others think people will be happier when they have an easy job. Which one do you prefer?


  题目大意为:简单的工作还是充满挑战性的工作更让人开心。 建议选择有挑战性的工作,因为一方面可以让人获得更强的成就感;另一方面,挑战性的工作可以开发一个人的潜能,促使人们不断学习新的知识,从而让工作充满乐趣。


  主观点: Challenging tasks will make people feel much happier than easy ones.

  分论点一: 完成艰巨的任务会让人们获得更强的成就感。(Firstly, achieving demanding missions makes people enjoy a stronger sense of accomplishment.)



  分论点二: 有难度的工作有助于开发一个人的潜能,在自我提升中获得快乐。 (Secondly, people are more likely to tap their potential capbilities in the process of finishing difficult jobs and enjoy a sense of fulfillment in self-improvement. )

  解释: 不难理解,挑战性工作之所以难以完成,是因为对人们能力和知识的要求极高。因此,伴随着挑战性工作而来的是巨大的压力,而这些压力完全可以成为迫使人们去接触新鲜事物的动力。+具体事例


  1. 与…成正比:Be in a positive proportion to

  2. 满足感 A sense of fulfillment

  3. 对..要求极高:have a demanding requirement on ..

  4. 迫使…做..urge sb to do sth

  • urgevt. 驱策,鼓励,力陈,催促 vi. 极力主张 n.
  • adaptabilityn. 适应性;可变性;适合性
  • challengingadj. 大胆的(复杂的,有前途的,挑战的) n. 复杂
  • accomplishmentn. 成就,完成
  • solvev. 解决,解答
  • illiterateadj. 文盲的,无知的 n. 文盲
  • cultivatevt. 培养,耕作,栽培,结交(朋友), 促进增长,教养
  • spareadj. 多余的,闲置的,备用的,简陋的 v. 抽出,饶
  • harmonyn. 和弦,协调,和睦,调和
  • entertainmentn. 娱乐