日期:2015-12-25 12:55



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Shon considers himself?

a) A poor footballer

b) A good footballer

2) He does not play sports much now _____ .

a) because he is injured

b) because he doesn't have the time

3) What seems to be his favorite sport?

a) Football

b) Basketball


Topic:What is your favorite sport?

Hello, this is me Shon and I'm from Uzbekistan. This video is for elllo.org and the question is what is your favorite sport you like to play?

Well good question and I like playing a lot of sports like for example basketball and football and ping pong. I really like playing basketball but when it comes to football, I'm not really good at it, I'm a little bit a non-active player because I don't like running. I can't help it with this.

I used to play when I was first year student, I used to play a lot but right now I don't really have time for playing sports but I keep playing basketball. Thank you very much.


a b b
