日期:2015-12-22 11:55



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) He says new cities offer ____ .

a) modesty

b) modernity

2) He likes ____ in old cities.

a) culture

b) simplicity

3) He likes to live in ____ cities.

a) old, wealthy

b) new, modern


Topic:Would you rather live in an old or news city?

Silvia: Hello, my name is Silvia. I'm from Guatemala.

Diego: And my name is Diego and I'm from Mexico.

Silvia: Diego, I know that you travel a lot, and you've been in different cities, so I wanted to ask you, what do you prefer, to live in an old city or a new city?

Diego: Actually, I like to have a balance. I love culture, but then at the same time I like convenience and modernity, so ideally I would like to live in a place where I can find old culture and old things and buildings, and at the same time have the convenience of metropolis. So I guess, finding the balance between old and new is very important for me.

Silvia: Have you found any city that is quite like that?

Diego: Yes, actually. I think a lot of cities in a way, especially old cities, old wealthy cities have that balance because they have all the historic places, but then at the same time, they have developed really fast, and I think the contrast between old and new for me is very, very appealing. I like to go out and maybe look at a structure that was there 600 years ago, but then at the same time, like modern things, so ideally I would like to find this balance.


b a a

  • contrastn. 差别,对比,对照物 v. 对比,成对照 [计算机]
  • appealingadj. 引起兴趣的,动人的
  • conveniencen. 适宜,便利,便利设施,方便的时间,舒适