A death sentence has been commuted to life in prison for the wife of a former high-ranking Party chief who was convicted in the fatal cyanide poisoning of a British man in a conflict over economic interests.
death sentence是死刑;life in prison是无期徒刑;economic interests是经济利益。
薄谷开来,57岁,原中央政治局委员(former member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee)、重庆市委书记(Chongqing former Party chief)薄熙来妻子,因2011年11月15日在重庆一家酒店投毒杀害英国公民尼尔·伍德被判处死刑(sentence to death),缓期二年执行(with a two-year reprieve)。
北京市高级人民法院(Beijing High People's Court),薄谷开来现在司法部燕城监狱服刑(serve her sentence)。2014年9月25日,刑罚执行机关以罪犯薄谷开来服刑期间无故意犯罪(good behavior in prison)为由,建议将其刑期减为无期徒刑(recommend the sentence reduction,建议减刑),附加刑剥夺政治权利终身不变。减刑决定于上个月公示(disclose)。
2013年,薄熙来因犯受贿罪(bribery)、贪污罪(embezzlement)、滥用职权罪(abuse of power)被判无期徒刑。