日期:2015-12-11 10:10


Answer the following questions about the video.
1) He plays ____ all year.
a) soccer
b) basketball
2) He lifts weights ____ school.
a) before
b) after
3) On the weekend he ____ .
a) takes it easy
b) has games
Topic:Do you have a busy schedule?
Hello! My name is Danny Lewis, and I am from the United States. And my question is, do you have a busy schedule?
Yeah. I have a pretty busy schedule. I play basketball year-round so my schedule is pretty hectic. I go to school from 7:00 to 3:00 then I practice after that. And then I lift weights, then I come home and do homework. That's an everyday thing. Then on the weekends, I have games.
So yeah, I would say that I have a pretty tight schedule.

b b b
