日期:2015-11-30 10:00



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Danny wants to be ____ .

a) on a soccer team

b) inside a ball

2) The ball is made of ____ .

a) leather

b) rubber

3) He saw people play it ____ .

a) at his school

b) online


Topic:What is on your bucket list?

Hello. My name is Danny Lewis and I am from the United States, and my question is what is on your bucket list?

Now, there's a lot of things on my bucket list but the thing that probably is the most realistic is that new soccer or football that's out where there's people inside this big rubber protective ball called knocker balls or something like that. There's a lot of YouTube videos on them. But you play soccer, you can jump around, hit people, knock people over. It seems really fun. So that's what – that's probably the most realistic thing on my bucket list.


b b b

  • rubbern. 橡胶,橡皮,橡胶制品 adj. 橡胶的 n.
  • realisticadj. 现实的,现实主义的
  • bucketn. 水桶 vt. 装在桶里 vi. 急急忙忙
  • knockern. 敲击者,敲门者,门环 n. 挑剔的人 (复数)kn