日期:2015-11-15 09:07


Answer the following questions about the video.
1) Now he is ____ a job.
a) happy with his
b) looking for
2) He recently had ____ .
a) a raise
b) some interviews
3) His advice is to ____ .
a) be picky
b) never give up
Topic:Do you have a job now?
Hello, this is Hector from Puerto Rico. The question is do I have a job now?
At the very moment, I do not have a job. I'm still sending resumes all over town but unfortunately this economy that we're living in today, it's pretty hard to land a job, and you have to be blessed and lucky in order to get the one that you want, and I was able to get into some interviews myself, but I still haven't been able to land a job. But, I'm not going to give up, that's for sure, and you shouldn't either. Thank you for listening. Bye!

b b b
