日期:2015-11-12 09:39


Answer the following questions about the video.
1) With friends and in nature ____ .
a) he has no need of phones
b) he checks his emails
2) At home he checks emails ____ .
a) once in a while
b) once every hour
3) He doesn't care about emails ____ .
a) when he's traveling
b) when he's having fun
Topic:How long can you go with no phone,email,or computer?
Hi! I'm Teru and I'm from Honduras. Today's question is: "How long can you go with no phone, email or computer?".
I think the answer depends on where I am and what I'm doing. But if I'm at home I will usually check my phone every once in a while and same with my email or computer; but if I'm with my friends out in nature and having fun, I wouldn't care about my phone and emails or computers. Thank you.

a a b
