奇葩No. 1: Cretaceous
奇葩No 1.的中文表达是“白垩纪”,没错中间的那个字读作“è”,看起来绝非善类的样子,其实它真的绝非善类,因为就是在这个时期,见证了大名鼎鼎的恐龙从鼎盛到突然灭绝,而这样一个话题也是在托福阅读中反复讨论。例如报名托福考试后赠送在线测试里的Meteorite Impact and DinosaurExtinction, TPO 8里的Extinction of Dinosaurs, TPO15里的Mass Extinctions和TPO33里的Extinction Episodes of the Past,而在当前考试中,也是屡见不鲜。
(1) 气候改变:之前气候好温和(mild),冬暖夏凉,结果现在好极端(drastic),冬天和夏天都是如此的到位,简直不能忍受,挂了
(2) 小陨石撞击:好吧,那么就让陨石来吧!想象一下,霹雳啪啪,一堆一堆的陨石从天而降,恐龙,你会不会挂掉呢?而且有陨石中含量较多的稀有元素铱元素为证!
(3) 单颗大陨石撞击:嗯,好吧,那就一次整个天昏地暗吧!于是就有那么一次惊天地泣鬼神的陨石撞击,恐龙以及众多其他生物在不到50年类全部消失。具体场景请看以下这段话:
…Their calculations show that the impact kicked up a dust cloud that cut off sunlight for several months, inhibiting photosynthesis in plants; decreased surface temperatures on continents to below freezing; caused extreme episodes of acid rain; and significantly raised long-term global temperatures through the greenhouse effect….(TPO 8 Extinction of Dinosaurs)
12. Paragraph 6 mentions all of the following effects of the hypothesized asteroid collision EXCEPT
○a large dust cloud that blocked sunlight
○an immediate drop in the surface temperatures of the continents
○an extreme decrease in rainfall on the continents
○a long-term increase in global temperatures