Types of Badges and Their Purposes
1) Badges are usually given out at a security office near the front door of the office building. There you will fill out a form and then a badge will be issued to you.
2) When you pick up your badge, the security guard may remind you of their companies office hours.
3) ID Badges list your name, clearance, and what department you work in. These are always adorned with a photo of the employee. "Clearance" means where you can and can not go.
4) A security badge can be worn by a guard and it tells you his job is to protect you. Sometimes workers wear security badges to go into secure areas. You will have to sign your name before you pick up one of these badges.
5) Many medical and scientific employees have to work with machines that release radiation. Because of this, they wear badges that change color when they get too much radiation.
6) Visitor badges are one-use badges that guests use once. These badges must be in plain view at all times.