The Jade Buddha Garden
Located in the suburb of Anshan, the Jade Buddha Garden covers 220 000 square metres, the city shelters a Guinness-Record-Winning Buddha carved I ram jade.
位于郊区的鞍山玉佛园占地220 000平方米,佛像是从整块玉中刻出的获得了吉尼斯纪录。
The world’s biggest jade Buddha (Jade King), 7.95 metres high, 6.88 metres wide, 4.1 metres thick, was carved in 1995 from a stone weighing 261 tons.
世界上最大的玉佛(玉石之王),高7.95米,宽6.88米,厚4.米, 1995年从一块石头重达261吨雕刻出。
The splendid sculpture, merging seven colours together—three shades of green, yellow, white, black and blue—(the Buddha is bright and dazzling) is an eye-catching artistic wonder produced by 120 jade sculptors in 27 months.
精湛的雕塑,混有七个颜色---3种绿色,黄色,白色,黑色和蓝色—— (佛陀明亮令人眼花缭乱)是一个引人注目的艺术奇迹由120玉雕塑家在27个月创造。
It has been listed in tle Guinness Book of Records as the world’s largest jade Buddha.
The stone came from Anshan’s Xiuyan County (the hometown of jade),which has proven jade deposits of 3 million tons.
The huge jade weighing 60 000 tons were also discovered there. Jade artifacts are the best souvenirs for tourists.
重达60 000吨的巨玉也被发现了。玉器是最好的旅游纪念品。
Due to its unique geological structure, Aashan is rich in geothermal resources。
A natural Buddha formed by a whole hill made Mount Qianshan a holy land for Buddhists in Northeast China.