Potala Palace
Natural Features
The Potala Palace is an ancient architectural complex,considered a model of Tibetan architecture. It is located on the Red Hill in Lhasa,Tibet,being 3 700 meters above sea level. If ccvers an area of over 360 000 square meters,measuring 360 meters from east to west and 270 meters from south to north. The palace has 13 stories,and is 117 meters high. It is comprehensive with hails,stupas。Buddhist chambers,chapels,monk dormitories,and courtyards,a palace complex largest and highest in the world reputed as“pearl on the worldroof".
布达拉宫是一座古老的建筑群,被视为西藏建筑的典范。布达拉宫坐落于西藏拉萨市海拔3 700米的红山上,占地360 000平方米,东西长360 ,南北长270米。宫殿共有13层,高117米,其中宫殿、灵塔殿、佛殿、经堂、僧、庭院等一应俱全,是当今世界上海拔最高、规模最大的宫殿式建筑群,被誉为”世界屋脊的明珠”。
In 641,Songtsan Gambo,ruler of the Tubo Kingdom,had the Potala Palacebuilt for Princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty,whom he was soon to marry.This structure was later burned to the ground during a war and was rebuilt in the17th century by the Fifth Dalai Lama. Repeated repairs and expansions until 1 645 finally brought the palace to its present scale. Over the past three centuries,the palace gradually became a place where the Dalai Lama lived and worked and a place for keeping the remains of successive Dalai Lama.
The stone-and-wood-structured Potala Palace consists of the White Palace and Red Polace. The White Palace,comprising halls,temples and courtyards,serves as the living quarters of the Dalai Lama. The Red Palace includes various chambers for worshipping Buddha and chambers housing the eight stupa that contain the re- mains of fifth through thirteenth Dalai Lama. All the stupas are covered with gold foil The most magnificent stupa belongs to the fifth Dalai Lama. It is 14. 85 meters tall and inlaid with pearl and jade. The palace also collected a large number of sculptures,murals,scripture and other valuable cultural relics.
Potala Palace is the masterpiece of Tibetan buildings and the gem of ancient Chinese architecture. The palace integrates with the hill,standing aloft with grandeur and majesty. The walls alternating in red and white,the golden roofs shining with brilliance,it demonstrates in full the appealing charm of ancient Tibetan buildings. It is not only the symbol of the creativity of Tibetan people,but also the unique cultural heritage of human beings on this high and snowy plateau.
Potala Palace is an evidence of the solidarity of all nationalities and the unity of the nation.“Potala" is a transliteration from the Sanskrit for Mt Potala,the mythological mountain abode of Avalookitesvara,God of Mercy. Tibetan Buddhists are said to think their Red Hill is comparable to Mt Potala of Avalookitesvara,hence regard the hill as a second Potala.
In 1994,the palace joined the list of world cultural heritage sites