日期:2015-09-12 09:52



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) She usually ______ her dreams.

a) remembers

b) forgets

2) In the dream, her house is ____ .

a) burglarized

b) haunted

3) Something ____ always happes after this dream.

a) good

b) bad


Topic:Do you remember your dreams?

Win: Hi, my name is Win and I'm from Vietnam.

Goron: Hi, my name is Goron and I'm from Italy.

Win: So.

Goron: The question is for you, of course, do you remember any dreams?

Win: Well, most of the time I forget the dreams that I dreamt about last night but there are some dreams that I still remember. For example, there is one reoccurring dream that I kept seeing, ah, it's kind of a nightmare where my house was burglarized. But I think I had that dream for three or four times in my life but every time that happens in the morning, in the morning are, in the couple of days later I get something really good.

Goron: Thank you.


b a a
