Special Mention
Jiuzhaigou Gully is about 2000m一4 300m above sea level,located at the foot of Garna Peak in the southern section of Minshan Mountain ranges,a branch valley of the source of Dialing River which is an upper part of Yangtze River. The scenic area is accessible all the year round,though in autumn the gully is at its best. For a period of time it was thought unsuitable to tour in winter,yet the newly built Chengdu-Jiuzhaigou tour highway unveiled its winter beauty to the sightseers. Since the first“Winter Tour to Jiuzhaigou”in 1998 ,an increasing number of admirers are rushing in for a special winter sight enjoyment,particularly in the holidays of Spring Festival,when hotel rooms are hardly available without booking early in advance.
九寨沟地处眠山山脉南段孕尔纳峰北麓,是长江水系嘉陵江源头的一条支沟,海拔2 000米一4 300米。九寨沟年四季均可旅游,以秋季为最佳。过去人们都以为九寨沟的冬季不能旅游,但是随着成都—九寨沟旅游公路的开通,人们发现九寨沟冬季之美是养在深闺人未识。自1998年首推“九寨沟冬之旅”以来,冬游九寨一年比一年火爆,特别是存节期间,若不提前定房,根本就不能保证旅游团队的入住。