新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List18:Unit2
日期:2015-09-12 15:55


【考法 1】 n. 一瞥: a brief and sometimes furtive look
【例】 take a peep at the new neighbors 偷偷瞄了我们的新邻居一眼
【近】 gander, glance, glimpse, peek
【考法 2】 n. 轻声: a slight sound or utterance
【例】 I haven't heard a peep out of the children for an hour.我已经一个小时没听到孩子们的声音了
【近】 mumble, murmur, mutter, twitter, whisper
【反】 clamor, noise, outcry, roar 喧哗,吵闹
【考法 1】 n. 同等地位的人,同辈: a person who has equal standing with others
【例】 stand out among peers 在同辈当中很出众
【近】 coequal, compeer, coordinate, counterpart, equivalent, fellow, match, parallel
【反】 inferior 地位更低的人;superior 地位更高的人
【考法 2】 v. 好奇地凝视: to look narrowly or curiously;
【例】 peer at the variety of marine life in the aquarium's huge tank 好奇地注视着巨大水族箱中丰富多样的海洋生物
【近】 blink, gape, gawk, gaze, goggle, rubberneck, stare
【反】 glance, glimpse 投去一瞥
【派】 peerless adj. 无与伦比的,不可比拟的
【考法 1】 vt. 打扰,惹恼: to disturb the peace of mind of (someone) especially by repeated disagreeable acts
【例】 be constantly peeved by his affected flattery 总是被他做作的谄媚所惹恼
【近】 aggravate, annoy, bother, exasperate, frost, gall, irk, nettle, pique, rile, ruffle, vex
【反】 becalm, compose, lull, lullaby, quiet, salve, settle, soothe, still, tranquilize 使镇定
【派】 peevish adj. 易怒的,脾气不好的
【考法 1】 adj. 轻蔑的,贬低的: disparaging; belittling
【例】 I agree that I am ambitious, and I don't see it as a pejorative term. 我承认我"雄心勃勃",但我并不认为这是一个贬义词
【近】 belittling, contemptuous, degrading, deprecatory, depreciative, derogative, disdainful, disparaging, scornful
【反】 commendatory, complimentary, laudatory 赞美的
【考法 1】 adj. 透明的: admitting the passage of light
【例】 pellucid spring water 清澈透明的泉水
【近】 crystal, crystalline, limpid, liquid, lucent, transparent
【反】opaque 不透明的
【考法 2】 adj. 清晰明确的,易懂的: transparently clear in style or meaning
【例】 Her poetry has a pellucid simplicity that betrays none of the sweat that went into writing it. 她的诗歌风格十分清新简约,丝毫没有体现出她为此付出的汗水
【近】 apparent, distinct, evident, lucid, manifest, obvious, palpable, patent, perspicuous, plain, straightforward
【反】 clouded, cryptic, enigmatic, indistinct, mysterious, obfuscated, obscure 模糊难懂的
【考法 1】 n. 监狱: a place of confinement for persons held in lawful custody
【例】 spent six years in a federal pen 在联邦监狱中度过了六年
【近】 bastille, coop, jail, prison, stockade
【考法 2】 v. 关押,监禁: to close or shut in by or as if by barriers
【例】 remember to pen up the dogs when visitors come over 客人来的时候别忘了把狗给关起来
【近】 box, encage, encase, envelop, fence, hedge, immure, include, wall
【反】 release 释放;enfranchise, free, liberate, set free 使自由
【考法 1】 n. (对罪行的)处罚: a punishment established by law or authority for a crime or offense
【例】 The maximum penalty is 7 years' imprisonment. 最为严厉的惩罚是七年的有期徒刑
【近】 fine, forfeit, punishment, retribution
【反】 honor, reward 奖励
【派】 penalize v. 处以惩罚
【考法 1】 n. 强烈嗜好,迷恋: a strong and continued inclination
【例】 a penchant for Champaign 非常喜爱香槟
【近】 affection, bias, disposition, leaning, partiality, predilection, predisposition, proclivity, propensity, tendency
【反】 aversion, disfavor, disinclination, dislike, distaste, loathing, repugnance, repulsion 反感
【考法 1】 adj. 悔过的: feeling or expressing humble or regretful pain or sorrow for sins or offenses
【例】 a penitentbusinessman who had come to ask for forgiveness 一个来寻求宽恕的决定悔过自新的商人
【近】 apologetic, compunctious, regretful, remorseful, repentant, rueful, sorry
【反】 impenitent, remorseless, unapologetic, unrepentant 不知悔改的
【考法 1】 adj. 沉思的,(尤指)哀思的: given to or marked by long, quiet and often musingly sadthinking
【例】 Rainy days often put her in a pensive mood. 雨天总是让她陷入深深的思考之中
【近】 broody, cogitative, meditative, melancholy, musing, reflective, ruminant, ruminative, thoughtful
【反】 mindless, thoughtless, unreflective 不加思考的