日期:2015-08-28 09:16



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) In Canada, there are many things you can ____ .

a) learn to do

b) discover

2) Canada has many ____.

a) people

b) mysteries

3) The culture in Canada is ____ .

a) obvious

b) subtle


Topic:What do you like about your country?

A talk about something I like most about my country. I'm from Canada and I guess there's a couple of things that I really like about Canada.

One is the, that there is a lot of culture and there are a lot of things happening in Canada and there are a lot of things that you can discover. But they won't come to you. You have to go to it. There are a lot of mysteries in Canada, a lot of mysterious things that you can enjoy but you have to be patient and you have to really look for them. It's not evident. Canada is a cold and dark place and it goes on forever and there's a beautiful mystery in it for everybody and if you can take time to explore it you'll find it but it doesn't come easy. It doesn't hit you over the head like other countries' cultures where, you know, you look at it and go that, that's their culture. You have to be, you have to, you have to notice things when you're in Canada and it's very subtle but it's worth the payoff. So I hope you can go out there and discover some mysteries. Thanks.


b b b
