Traveling in a Tourist City一Nanjing
Natural Features
1. Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum
Covering an area of 80 000 square meters,Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum is located in the Zhongshan Mountain Scenic Area in the east suburb of Nanjing City Jiangsu Province.
Dr. Sun Yat-sen(1866一1925)was a great forerunner of the Chinese democratic revolution and led by Dr. Sun the Chinese people brought down the corrupt rule of the Qing Dynasty(1644-1911)and ended 2 000 years of the feudal monarchy system,which led the Chinese peoples in to a new age.
The majestic Mausoleum construction was started in 1926 and completed in 1929. The whole Mausoleum Scenic Area represents an alarm bell as seen from the air,symbolizing the noble spirit and heroic efforts of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's devotion to the Chinese people,fight of oppression and winning the independence of China.Facing south,the structures,along with the mountain ascends gradually along with the central axis line running from south to the north and is regarded as the most outstanding mausoleum in Chinese modern architectural history.
Traveling along the marble road,firstly you will arrive at half-moon square in the south of the Mausoleum. It is understated and modest,while endowing grandeur to the Mausoleum. Then at the entrance to the Mausoleum stands the great marble Paifang(memorial archway) on which is written“Bo Ai”meaning“love"Through the Paifang there is a passage of 480 meters long and 40 meters wide,on both sides of which stand orderly pine and cypresses trees. Continuing forward to the end of the passage,there is the Frontispiece,standing some 16.5 meters high and 27 meters wide. The Frontispiece has 3 archways,each of which has a pair of symmetrical enchased copper gates. 4 Chinese characters are inscribed on the lintel over the doorways written by Dr. Sun Yat-sen meaning“the world is common wealth" which fully explains the cause he struggled for during his life. Through the Frontispiece is a pavilion made of marble,in which a great stele,9 meters high and 4 meters wide,was erected by Kuomintang in memory of Dr. Sun Yat-sen. On the stele there are carved just 24 Chinese characters and no epitaph as people think that there are no words capable of representing this giant of modern China.
沿大理石通道前行,首先来到陵墓南部的一个半月形广场。广场在赋庄严予陵墓的同时,也显得简朴、庄重。陵墓人口处有高大的花岗石牌坊,上有中山先生手书的“博爱”两个金字。一条长480米,宽40米的墓道穿过牌坊,两旁依序耸立着苍松翠柏。继续前行,在墓道的尺头,有一高16. 5米,宽27米的对称铜雕刻三拱形陵门,门额上孙中山手迹“天下为公”四个大字,充分说明r孙中山光生一生中为之斗争的事业。穿过陵门是一大理石碑亭,内有国民党为纪念孙中山先生而立的一块高约9米的碑石,上面仅刻有24个汉字,没有墓志铭,因为人们认为,孙中山先生的思想和业绩非文字所能概括。
Through the Pavilion,climbing along the stairs upward,the Sacrificial Hall is your next encounter. Here is the highest place of the Mausoleum,some 158 meters high. The Sacrificial Hall is located in the center of this plateau. It is an Alhambresque construction combining the architectures of both China and the West and is 30 meters long,25 meters wide and 29 meters high. Around the Sacrificial Hall,there are two 12. 6-meter-high Huabiao,or namental columns like those in Tiananmen Square. Entering the Hall,a 4. 6-meter-high stone statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen sits in the center. Dr. Sun wears long gown with eyes facing forward,with an open book on his lap,demonstrating the wisdom of the great thinker. At the foot of the statue,there are 6 embossments exhibiting in vivid pictures Dr. Sun Yat-sen's glorious life and struggles in his revolution of China. The door of the tomb is in the center of the back wall. The whole tomb is a hemispherical in shape,with the marble coffin of Dr. Sun Yat-sen set in the center of the chamber. His white marble statue rests atop the rectangle coffin,under which this historical giant forever sleeps.
穿过碑亭,拾梯上行,来到祭堂。这是中山陵最高处,高达158米。祭堂位于这最高处的中央,是结合中、西方建筑艺术的仿宫殿式建筑,长约30米,宽25米。高29米。祭堂平台上有如同天安门广场上的,高达12. 6米的华表两座。进人祭堂,中央有中山先生高达4. 6米的大理石坐像。先生身着长袍,目视前言,膝上放着一本开页的书卷,向世人展示着这位伟大的思想家的智慧和风采。像座四周有6处反映中山先生光辉一生和革命事迹的浮雕。堂后中央有一重墓门。整个陵墓呈半球状,孙中山先生的大理石汉白玉灵枢落于墓室中央,其汉白玉卧像安卧在长方形灵枢上,下面便安睡着这位历史伟人。
2. Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum
Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum is one of the biggest imperial tombs in China. It lies in the eastern suburbs of Nanjing City at the southern foot of Zhongshan(Purple) Mountain. Emperor Chengzu,Zhu Yuanzhang,the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty(1368一1644)and Queen Ma were buried there.
Construction of the mausoleum began in 1381 and was completed in 1431.In 1384,Queen Ma died and was buried there. Emperor Chengzu had bestowed upon her the title“queen of Xiao Ci”which means“queen of Filial Piety and Kindness" Hence,the name Ming Xiaoling derives from her title.
The mausoleum has two discrete sections:one is the Sacred Way area and the other is the main body of the mausoleum itself.
Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum is renowned for its unique design,its eminent status,its amazing beauty and its magnificent scale. It is the milestone in the historical development of Chinese mausoleums. As an extension of the mperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties,it is listed by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage site.
明孝陵以其独特的设计、上佳的造型、令人瞠目的优美和宏大的规模而著称。明孝陵是中国陵墓建筑发展史上的里程碑。 2003年7月,联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会第27届会议将其作为“明清皇家陵寝”扩展项目而列入《世界遗产名录》。
3. Confucius Temple(Fuzimiao)
The Confucius Temple in Nanjing was originally constructed in the year of 1034 in the Song Dynasty. It was a place to worship and consecrate Confucius,the great philosopher and educator of ancient China. It is also known as Fuzimiao in Chinese. This temple suffered repeated damage and has been rebuilt on several occasions since that time. 1937 was the most destruction when it was burnt to ruin by Japanese aggressors. In 1984 the temple was rebuilt under the support of the local government. During the long process,the original building expanded to be a tomplex building in the architectural style of the Ming and Qing dynasties,including the Confucius Temple itself, the Jiangnan Gongyuan(the place of imperial examinations)and the Xue Gong(the Imperial Academy)The complex is still called the Confucius Temple out of habit by locals and visitors.
南京孔庙始建于宋朝1034年,原先是供奉和祭祀中国古代哲学家和教育家孔子的地方。汉语中也称之为夫子庙。自建成后,夫子庙儿经损毁和重建, 1937年被日本侵略者焚烧,这次的损毁最为惨重。在当地政府的支持下,1984年夫子庙得以重建。在这一反复重建的长期过程中,原先的建筑已扩展为明、清建筑风格的综合建筑群,包括孔庙本身、江南贡院(皇家考试的地方)和学宫(皇家学校)。依据习惯.当地百姓和游客至今仍称这个建筑群为夫子庙。
In front of the Confucius Temple,the Qin Huai River is flowing. On the south bank of the river, there is the longest screen wall in China which is 110-meter-long and piled with bricks. The Dacheng Hall is recommended on your trip. It is 16. 22 meters high and 28. 1 meters wide featuring a 1 .5-meter-high pedestal. There are two worthwhile attractions found in the inner hall. One is the largest figure of Confucius in China,the other one is the beautiful collection of 38 vivid panels which are made by various jade,gold and silver,detailing the life of Confucius. Out of the hall,you will see the bronze statue of Confucius as well as the white marble statues of his 8 disciples.
秦淮河从夫子庙前流过。河南岸有中国最长的照壁。照壁全长110米,用石砖垒成。大成殿高16. 22米,宽28. 1米,其特色是它的1.5米高的基座。此处应是必游之地。内殿有两处值得一游的景点,一个是中国最大的孔子画像,另一个是悬挂在四周墙壁上的,用各种玉、金、银件成就的38幅反映孔子生平事迹的精美镶嵌壁画集。大殿之外,立着孔子的铜像,其弟子中八位贤人汉自玉塑像分班侍立。
The area around the temple consists of a series of tourist shops,snack bars,restaurants and tea cafes. They all appear to be in the architectural style of the Ming and Qing style. A variety of snacks encompassing 8 of the most famous flavours are available for purchase here. Everyone's individual tastes are well catered for. They are necessary parts of food culture in Nanjing.
4. Zhonghua Gate(Chinese Gate)
Zhonghua Gate is the south gate of Nanjing City. A precious cultural relic.Zhonghua Gate has the double distinction of being the biggest castle-style city gate in China and a structural element of the most complicated castle in the world. It is the castle's magnificent scale,delicate structure,and the great skill with which it was built that bequeath it an important place in China's military and architectural traditions.
Construction of the castle took 21 years,from 1366 to 1387.The gate,originally called the“gate of Gathering Treasure" carries a legend from the time of its creation in the early Ming Dynasty. According to the legend,when ZhuYuanzhang,the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty,had the gate built,the ground kept sinking. The gate collapsed again and again. It was not until a treasure bowl was buried under the gate that it stood firm. In 1931,to commemorate the revolution of 191 I and the Republic of China(1919一1949)that emerged as a result,the Gate of Gathering Treasure was renamed Zhonghua Gate. In Chinese Pinyin,Republic of China is written as Zhonghua Minguo.
中华门始建于1366年,1几1387年完工,前后历时21年中华门最初叫作“聚宝门”,从明朝初期建造以来,其中便有一个传说:明朝第一个皇帝朱元璋命人建完这座门时,这儿的地而不断下沉,中华门随建随塌,直到在门下理下了一只聚宝盆才得以建成。1931年,为了纪念1911年革命运动和中华民国( 1919一1949 ),聚宝门改名为中华门。
Nanjing was the capital of China during the Ming Dynasty under the reign of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.(Zhu Di,the son of Zhu Yuanzhang moved the capital to Beijing in 1420.)In 1366,Zhu began to build a wall around the city of Nanjing to defend it from attack. The Gate of Gathering Treasure(Zhonghua Gate)was built on the site of a previous gate,the south gate of the city built during the Later Tang Dynasty. The new gate,the grandest among the 13 gates of the new castle,was an architecturally complex structure composed of 3 closed courtyards and 4 archeddoors serving as the entrance. There were double paneled wooden doors and with additional stone door set behind. If the enemy broke through the wooden doors,they could be separated and trapped in the 3 closed courtyards upon dropping the stone doors.
27 tunnels were built in the castle to store large quantities of tood and weapons and to hold approximately 3 000 soldiers. Wide and steep ramps were built on the east and west side to allow people to carry materials upward. The entire structure was built with massive bricks mortared together with special cement made from lime,sticky rice juice and tung oil. In order to guarantee the quality of the construction,every brick underwent a strict quality control process. The brick makers and builders were ordered to mark their names on each brick. Even today,it is possible to find Chinese characters and numbers on the bricks.
城堡中建有27个藏兵洞,可以贮存大量食物和武器,大约可以埋伏3 000名士兵。瓮城东西两侧筑有陡峻壮阔的马道,是战时运送军需物资登城的快道。整个建筑采用大砖与石灰、糯米汁和桐油拌合砌成。为了保证建筑质量,每块城砖都经历了严格的检验程序。每块砖上都印有制砖工匠和监造官员的姓名。时至今日,还可能会看到刻有汉字和编号的城砖。
5. Qin Huai River
Qin Huai River,a branch of the great Yangtze River,is 34 kilometers in length and covers a drainage area of 2 631 square kilometers. The river was originally called Huaihe River,and it is said that the river was channeled to the city of Nanjing during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang,so it was named Qin Huai River from then on.
秦淮河是长江的一个支流,全长34公里,流域面积为2 631平方公里。秦淮河最初叫作淮i可,据说是秦始皇统治期间开凿到南京的,从那时起这条河便称为秦淮河。
Qin Huai River is the largest river in the Nanjing City area and is一 the“life'"blood"of the city. Olin Huai River is so fascinating that it captures the imaginations of people both at home and abroad.
There are many famous sites of interest along the banks of Qin Huai River,including Confucius Temple,Zhanyuan Garden, Zhonghua Gate and the sights along the Taoye Ferry ride to Zhenhuai Bridge.
Qin Huai River is divided into inner and outer rivers. The most frequented place along the inner river is the Confucius Temple. Zhonghua Gate,the largest city door in China as well as the best-preserved and most intricate city door in the world,is also found along the inner river. Finally,there is the Zhanyuan Garden,which was constructed in the Ming Dynasty and is the oldest existing garden in the city.
The outer river resides between Yangjiawan lock and Qin Huai lock. In June 2005,the area was designated by the government as a new tourist route,because it encompasses views of Nanjing City,a city wall from the Ming Dynasty,and the Jiangsu Nanjing TV Tower,etc.While floating on one of the traditional,recently modernized,painted boats of the region,visitors will have the opportunity to fully appreciate the beautiful sights of the Qin Huai River.
6. Rain Flower Terrace
The Rain Flower Terrace(Yuhua Tai),which is one of the representative scenic spots in Nanjing,is located in the south of the city,occupying an area of 153.7 hecters. The Rain Flower Terrace is rich in historical monuments as well as natural scenery,and presents an irresistible beauty to visitors. The site got its name,Rain Flower terrace,since the Liang Dynasties about 1 400 years ago,when a legendary monk,Yunguang,preached the doctrines of Buddhism here. The monk was so e1oquent that the heavenly God was moved by his preach and rain flowers like a shower,hence the name“Rain Flower Terrace".The significance of the Rain Flower Terrace in modern Chinese history is intensified because it was an executive ground of revolutionary martyrs and has been converted into a memorial site.Now, at the scenic spot,there are the solemn and magnificent memorial relics and plants of all kinds decorating the site with green all the year round,needless to mention,the well-known Rain Flower Stones and Rain Flower Tea,therefore,multifunctions of education,recreation and tourism are integrated into the place. The Rain Flower Terrace becomes the National Unit of important Monument Protection,the National Education Base of Patriotism and the National AAAA Tourist Site.
7. Purple Mountain Observatory
Purple Mountain Observatory is located in Zhongshan Mountain(Purple Mountain)Scenic Area in the east suburb of Nanjing City. Seen from afar,the white domed buildings are shining brightly in the sun. Finished in 1934,it is the earliest and one of the most famous observatories in China. Of milestone significance,it symbolizes the threshold of Chinese modern astronomy.
At the beginning,the observatory enjoyed a great reputation for its splendid architectures,rare apparatus and abundant books. The 60-centimeter-caliber refleeting telescope,the 2o-centimeter-caliber refracting telescope(both made in Germany)and the meridian transit made by Swiss were almost the most advanced equipment of the time. And they are still housed in the observatory. Now,it is well equipped with modern facilities used for doing experiments and observing the sun,the moon,the planets,the fixed stars and satellites.
8. The Memorial Hall to the Victims in the Nanjing Massacre
On Dec. 13th,1927.the Japanese army occupied Nanjing and during the following 6 weeks bore witness to the inhumane disgrace and bloody massacre exerted on the city. No less than 300 000 innocent civilians and unarmed Chinese soldiers were brutally slaughtered in mass and individual beheadings,burying alive, burning,and killing races. More than 20 000 women were raped and many were then killed. A third of the architectures together with their contents were damaged by fire and countless shops,stores and residences were looted and sacked. Corpses were seen floating on rivers and littered the streets and lanes. Whether they were children or the aged,from residents to nuns,few could escape from the savage atrocity.
1937年12月13 日,日本军队占领了南京,在随后的6个星期里,他们对南京人民进行了灭绝人性的血腥屠杀。30万无辜市民和手无寸铁的中国士兵惨遭杀戮、活埋、焚烧和死于日军的杀人竞赛。2万多妇女被强奸,其中许多被奸后杀死。三分之一建筑连同其中的物品都被焚烧,无数店铺、商场和居所惨遭掠夺和洗劫。河面上漂浮着尸体,街道和小巷中也随处可见。不论是儿童还是老人,是居民还是修女,很少有人逃脱这次野蛮的暴行。
The Memorial Hall to the Victims in the Nanjing Massacre was built by Nanjing Municipal Government in 1985 and extended in 1995,covering an area of 28 000square meters. It is located in Jiangdongmen,one of the execution sites and mass burial places of the massacre. Solemn and imposing,the grey marble architecture consists of three parts:the outdoor exhibits,the remaining bones of the victims and the exhibition hall for historical documents. Two marble walls are engraved with the name of the haN and“300,000 Victims”3 large groups of carved reliefs and 17 small tablets upon which the major sites and historical facts of the massacre are carved,surrounded by withered trees and cobblestones,the wall upon which the names of the victims are listed and the atonement tablet,together form a permanent and moving record of the bloody tragedy.
1985年,南京市政府修建了南京大屠杀纪念馆,并J1995年将其扩大为占地面积28 000平方米的纪念馆。纪念馆位于侵华日军集体屠杀遣址和遇难同胞丛葬地之一的南京城西江东门。这座庄严肃穆的灰自大理石建筑由3部分组成:外景展区、遇难者遗什陈列室和史料陈列室。两座人理石墙壁上雕刻着展厅的名称和“死难者300 000”几个大字。枯树、鹅卵石包围之中的3座浮雕群和17块上面刻着这次大屠杀的主要遗址和历史见证书实的小型碑刻、遇难者名单墙和赎罪碑一起,是这次血腥屠杀悲剧的一个永久性记录。