新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List14:Unit7
日期:2015-07-11 10:30


【考法 1】 n. 诀窍,聪明的做法: a clever trick or stratagem; a clever way of doing something
【例】 She's tried every knack in Cupid's book to get her guy to marry her. 她试过了所有爱情三十六计,希望那男人娶她
【近】 artifice, device, gambit, ploy, scheme, sleight, stratagem
【反】 foolishness 愚蠢
【考法 1】 vt. 揉捏,塑造: to make or shape by or as if by folding, pressing, and stretching with the hands
【例】 knead dough 揉面团‖kneading a painful calf muscle 给疼痛的小腿肌肉按摩
【近】 massage, manipulate, mould, squeeze, stroke
【考法 1】 vt. 编织(纱线): to form by interlacing yarn or thread in a series of connected loops with needles
【例】 She knitted him a sweater for Christmas. 圣诞节她为他缝了一件毛衣
【近】 braid, plait, weave
【反】 ravel 解开
【考法 2】 vt. 连接,联系: to join closely; unite securely
【例】 Sport knits the whole family close together. 体育将整个家庭紧紧地联系在一起
【近】 bind, bond, combine, connect, fasten, join, link, meld, merge, tie, secure, unite
【反】 disassociate, disconnect, disjoin, divide, sever, split, sunder 分开
【考法 1】 adj. 多结的,复杂的,困难的:marked by or full of knots especially: so full of difficulties and
complications as to be likely to defy solution
【例】 The candidates cautiously gave their views on an array of knotty issues. 候选人就一系列的困难问题谨
【近】 baroque, byzantine, complicated, convoluted, intricate, involved, labyrinthine, sophisticated, tangled
【反】 easy, effortless, plain, simple 容易的,明显的
【考法 1】 n. 名望,名声: fame and renown resulting from an act or achievement
【例】 Employees enjoy the kudos that the job brings as much as the financial rewards. 正如同喜欢工作带来
【近】 credit, distinction, homage, honor, laurels
【反】 infamy, notoriety 不好的名声
【考法 2】 n. 夸奖,赞扬: acclaim or praise for exceptional achievement
【例】 The attorney did pro bono work because it was the right thing to do, and not for any future kudos that it might bring. 这名律师之所以为慈善机构和穷人所提供免费服务,是因为他觉得这是正确的事情,而非为了任何可能因此而产生的赞扬
【近】 acclaim, accolade, applause, credit, distinction, homage, honor, laud, laurels
【反】 belittlement, denigration, deprecation, derogation, diminishment, disparagement 贬损
【考法 1】 adj. 易变的,不稳定的: continually undergoing chemical, physical, or biological change; unstable
【例】 labile mineral 不稳定的矿物质‖an emotionally labile person 一个多愁善感的人
【近】 capricious, fluctuating, fluid, inconstant, mercurial, temperamental, unsettled, unsteady, variable, volatile
【反】 constant, immutable, invariable, stable, stationary, steady 稳定的
【考法 1】 adj. 勤奋的: hard-working; industrious
【例】 The volunteers have been commendably laborious in their cleanup of the beach. 清理海滩的志愿者们的勤奋努力值得赞扬‖He was gentle and kindly, living a laborious life in his Paris flat. 他是一个温柔、好心的人,住在巴黎的公寓里过着勤奋的生活
【近】 active, assiduous, bustling, diligent, engaged, industrious, occupied, sedulous
【反】 idle, inactive, indolent, inert, slothful 懒散的
【考法 2】 adj. 费力的: marked by or requiring long, hard work
【例】 the laborious task of cleaning up the oil spill 清除泄露石油的艰苦工作
【近】 arduous, challenging, demanding, difficult, exacting, formidable, grueling, heavy, labored, rigorous, rough,
rugged, severe, strenuous, sweaty, toilsome, tough
【反】 easy, effortless, facile, light, mindless, simple, undemanding 轻松的,容易的
【考法 1】 adj. 迷宫似的,复杂曲折的: of, relating to, resembling, or constituting a labyrinth; extremely complex
or tortuous in structure
【例】 The labyrin hine political situation of Middle East left us totally befuddled. 中东地区复杂迷离的政治局势让我们彻底迷惑了
【近】 baroque, byzantine, complicate, complicated, convoluted, intricate, involved, knotty, sophisticated, tangled
【反】 easy, effortless, plain, simple 容易的,明显的
【考法 1】 vt. 使非常痛苦: to cause deep emotional pain to; distress
【例】 He was born into a family already lacerated with tensions and divisions. 他出生在一个已经被冲突和分裂折磨不堪的家庭当中
【近】 afflict, distress, harrow, hurt, rend, torment, torture, wound
【反】 allay, alleviate, assuage, ease, mitigate, mollify, palliate, relieve, soothe 减轻(痛苦等)
【考法 1】 adj. 黯淡无光泽的: lacking brightness, luster, or vitality
【例】 lackluster hair 黯淡无光的头发
【近】 dim, dull, flat, lusterless
【反】 burnished, glistening, glossy, lustrous, polished, shiny, sleek 光亮的
