新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List12:Unit6
日期:2015-06-20 09:50


【考法 1】 n. 夸张: a figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect
【例】 The debate was carried on with increasing rhetorical hyperbole. 随着辩论的进行,双方修辞当中的夸张越来越多
【近】 coloring, embellishment, embroidering, exaggeration, magnification, overstatement
【反】 understatement 有节制的陈述
【考法 1】 adj.催眠的: tending to cause sleep
【例】 Her eyes soon grew heavy from the hypnotic rhythm of the train's wheels. 伴随着催眠的铁轨声,她很快就有了睡意
【近】 drowsy, narcotic, opiate, sleepy, slumberous, soporific
【反】 stimulating 刺激性的;refreshing 使人精神焕发的
【考法 1】 adj. 虚伪的: not being or expressing what one appears to be or express
【例】 It's hypocritical to say mean things behind someone's back, and then to act nice when you want something from her. 这种在背后说别人坏话、而有求于人时又装出另一副样子的人就是虚伪
【近】 artificial, backhanded, feigned, mealy-mouthed, phony, pretended, unctuous
【反】 artless, candid, genuine, honest, sincere, undesigning, unfeigned 真诚的,诚实的
【派】 hypocrite n. 虚伪的人,伪君子
【考法 1】 n. 特立独行的人: a person who does not conform to generally accepted standards or customs
【例】 He was an iconoclast who refused to be bound by tradition. 他是个不愿被传统所束缚的叛逆者
【近】 bohemian, deviant, heretic, maverick, non-conformer
【反】 conformer, conformist 循规蹈矩的人
【派】 iconoclastic adj. 特立独行的
【考法 1】 v.(通常盲目)崇拜: admires intensely and often blindly
【例】 Some teenagers idolatrized Hitler more than their own parents. 曾经有一些青少年崇拜希特勒超过自己
【近】 adore, adulate, canonize, deify, dote, worship
【反】 abhor, abominate, detest, dislike, hate, loathe 痛恨,憎恶
【派】 idolatry n. 崇拜
【考法 1】 n. 无忧无虑的生活: a carefree episode or experience
【例】 a summer idyll on the coast of the Mediterranean 地中海岸的悠闲夏日
【近】 frisk, frolic, gambol, revel, lark
【考法 1】 vt.点燃: to cause to burn; to set fire to
【例】 The bombs ignited a fire which destroyed some 60 houses. 炸弹引发的大火摧毁了大约 60 间房屋
【近】 enkindle, fire, inflame, kindle, light, torch
【反】 douse, extinguish, quench, put out 熄灭
【考法 2】 vt. 激起,唤起(感情等): to arouse the passions of
【例】 The insults ignited my anger. 那些侮辱让我倍感愤怒
【近】 arouse, incite, instigate, pique, spark, stimulate, stir
【反】 appease, assuage, calm, conciliate, mollify, pacify, placate, propitiate, soothe 平息怒火,安抚
【考法 1】 n. 耻辱: the state of having lost the esteem of others
【例】 He spent the remainder of his life in ignominy after being involved in a bribery scandal. 因为卷入了受贿丑闻当中,他在耻辱中度过余生
【近】 discredit, disesteem, dishonor, disrepute, infamy, obloquy, odium, opprobrium, reproach, shame
【反】 glory, honor 荣耀;esteem, respect 敬意
【派】 ignominious adj. 可鄙的
【考法 1】 n. 文盲: the condition of being unable to read and write
【例】 a nationwide campaign against illiteracy 全国扫盲运动
【近】 ignorance
【反】 learning, literacy 受过教育
【派】 illiterate adj. 不识字的
【考法 1】 n. 智者: persons who claim to be unusually enlightened
【近】 clerisy, intellectual, intelligentsia, literati
【反】 fool, dolt, dullard, idiot, simpleton 傻子
【考法 2】 n. 精英: individuals carefully selected as being the best of a class
【例】 a book launching party to which only New York's cultural illuminati were invited 一个只邀请了纽约上
【近】 aristocracy, elite, upper crust
