新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List12:Unit3
日期:2015-06-17 09:46


【考法 1】 adj. 非正统的,异端的: holding unorthodox opinions or doctrines, not rigidly following established form, custom, or rules
【例】 her heterodox approach to teaching science initially met with some resistance from her peers 她对于
【近】 dissenting, out-there, unconventional, unorthodox
【反】 conforming, conventional, orthodox, regular, routine 正常的,正统的
【考法 1】 adj. 死板的,极度保守的: tending to favor established ideas, conditions, or institutions
【例】 the hidebound innkeeper refused to see the need for a Web site 死板的酒馆老板坚决不肯装宽带
【近】 archconservative, brassbound, die-hard, old-fashioned, standpat, ultraconservative
【反】 broad-minded, large-minded, liberal, nonconservative, nonconventional, nonorthodox, nontraditional,
open-minded, progressive 进步的,开放包容的
【考法 1】 adj. 非常丑陋的: exceedingly ugly
【例】 wearing a hideous Halloween mask that made the kids all jump with fright 戴着一个丑陋的万圣节面具把
【近】 homely, ill-favored, monstrous, uncomely, unsightly
【反】 pulchritudinous, aesthetic, attractive, comely, gorgeous, handsome, knockout, ravishing, seemly, stunning,
taking, well-favored 美丽的,有吸引力的
【派】 hideousness 丑陋
【反】 affinity 吸引力
【考法 1】 vi. 匆匆忙忙: to go quickly, hasten
【例】 we had best hie home before the rain gets worse 我们最好在雨下大之前赶快回家
【近】 bustle, dash, hustle, scoot, scurry, scuttle, shoot, trot
【反】 dawdle, crawl, creep, poke 闲荡,爬行
【考法 1】 vi. 上涨: to rise up, to move from a lower to a higher place or position
【例】 hike rents 涨租金
【近】 boost, elevate, heighten, hoist, upraise
【反】 backset, drop, lower 倒退,下降
【考法 1】 adj. 非常好笑的: marked by or causing hilarity: extremely funny
【例】 hilarious cartoons that the whole family can enjoy 适合全家观看的搞笑动画片
【近】 hysterical, ludicrous, ridiculous, screaming, sidesplitting, uproarious
【反】 humorless, lame, unamusing, uncomic, unfunny 不好笑的
【考法 1】 adj. 戏剧的,演员的: of or relating to actors, acting, or the theater
【例】 a penchant for dish throwing, door slamming, and other histrionic displays of temper 有倾向做出一些
【近】 melodramatic, operatic, stagy, theatrical
【反】 undramatic
【考法 1】 n. 忙碌之地: a place swarming with activity
【例】 The house was a hive of activity as we prepared for the party. 我们筹备派对时,房子里很是熙熙攘攘。
【考法 2】 v. 储备,积累: to store up; accumulate
【考法 1】 v. 贮藏,秘藏: to keep hidden or private
【例】 he's been hoarding empty yogurt containers all winter 他整个冬天都在攒空酸奶瓶
【近】 cache, stash, stockpile, store, squirrel, stockpile
【反】 lavish 挥霍
【考法 1】 adj. 极老的: extremely old
【例】 hoary legends 上古的传说故事
【近】 aged, antique, dateless, immemorial, antediluvian
【反】 modern, new, recent 新的
