中英双语话中国旅游 第11期:承德避暑山庄自然概况(下)
日期:2015-06-05 09:18



Special Mention

The resort consists roughly of the palace and the scenic area,and the latter could be subdivided into three:the lake .the meadow ,and the mountain The palace is traditional and majestic,the lake is shining with silver water,the meadow is green with grass and flowers ,and the mountain is grand with surprising peaks,all enclosed in the palace wall as long as lOkm or more. Altogether there are over 120 buildings of halls、courtyards,or temples,with 72 recog- nized scenic spots,36 by each of the two highly admired Emperors Kangxi and Qianlong. The dominant mood of the buildings is plainness and elegance,an inspiration from the nature of the landscape.
避暑庄分为宫殿区和苑景区两大部分,苑景区又分为湖夙、平原区和山峦区宫殿区古朴庄严,湖泊卜碧波粼粼,平原区绿草茵,山峦区奇峰迭起,外有长达10公里的宫墙围护全庄共有宫殿、庭院、寺庙等建筑物约120 余处,风景点72处,其中由康熙和乾隆各题名36处山庄内的宫殿建筑以朴素淡雅为主基调,取自然山水之本色。
