中英双语话中国城市 第36期:哈尔滨的地方特色
日期:2015-06-04 13:12


The rivers in Harbin area belong to Song Hua River and Mudan River systerns. Rainfall concentrates on June-September mainly,and the per capita occupancy volume of water resource of the city is 1 363 cubic meters. The climate of Harbin belongs to the cold temperate continental monsoon climate,with summer long and winter short,known as “lce City".
哈尔滨境内的大小河流均属于松花江水系和牡丹江水系,降水主要集中在6 ~9月,全市水资源人均占有量为1 363立方米。气候属寒温带大陆性季风气候,冬长夏短,有“冰城”之称。

The mineral resources in Harbin are abundant. 83 kinds of various kinds have been found in the area and 25 kinds have been verified for industrial utilization,among which 20 kinds of mineral products such as coal,and natural gas,etc. occupy an important position in Heilongjiang Province.
The plant resources in Harbin are abundant too,and the kinds are various,among which medical plants such as mountain ginseng,yellow-corktree bark,etc.,edible plants such as brakes and bush vetches,edible funguses such as hedgehog hydnum mushrooms,agaric,etc.,wild oil raw materials such as pine nuts,fiberts,etc.,have very high economic value and are important resources for export.
There are many kinds and numbers of wild animals in Harbin,such as manchurian tigers,white storks,etc.,which are either the first or the second class animals to be protected.
