Temple,a large-scale timber structured temple built in the Sui Dynasty with a history of more than 1 000 years. The Great Wall of Huangyaguan of Ji County also lies here in Tianjin,the total length of which is 41 kilometers. More than 1 000 ancient platforms of many different models are steep,grand,and have the praise of North Key of Ji. The Winding Mountain,which enjoys the praise of "the first Mountain in the East of Beijing",is extremely grand and beautiful,one layer piling on another. The buildings and natural mountains and rivers become an organic whole.
天津历史遗址多,出土文物丰富,有40处国家级和市级重点文物保护单位。其中有始建于隋朝的大型木结构庙宇—独乐寺,已有1 000多年的历史。有蓟县黄崖关长城,全长41公里,多种不同造型的古台1 000多座,险峻、雄奇,素有“蓟北锁钥”之称。有号称“京东第一山”的蓟县盘山,山势雄伟,层峦叠秀,建筑与自然山水浑成一体。
In addition of all these,there is Tianhou Palace,Confucian Temple,Grand Sorrow Fane,Great Mosque,Tianzun Pavilion,Tiancheng Temple,Dagukou emplacement, Wanghailou Church,Guangdong Assembly Hall and the Memorial to Zhou En-lai's revolutionary activity in Tianjin.
The buildings of Tianjin have the characteristics of ancient buildings coexisting with modern architecture,and owing to this fact, Tianjin enjoys the title of "Universal Museums of Buildings".There still remain more than one thousand of different buildings of various countries both of the East and West that were built from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century,characterized by small buildings of western style.
天津的建筑具有古建筑和现代建筑并存的特色,有“万国建筑博物馆”之称。天津以风格各异的小洋楼为特色,保留着19世纪末到20世纪初东西方各国的各类建筑1 000多幢。
The four major folk arts of Tianjin are world-famous. The painted sculpture art of clay figurine by the Zhang's is well-known throughout the country and enjoys great prestige in the world. The drawings by the youth of Yangliu has a long history and is favored by foreign friends. The kites by the Wei's obtained gold medal in Panamanian International Fair of 1914 where as brick carver Liu's expertise is well-known,too.