新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List4:Unit4
日期:2015-03-03 15:11



【考法 1】 n. 变色龙,善变的人:a person who dexterously and expediently changes or adopts opinions

【例】 at the summer resort he acquired a reputation as a social chameleon—someone who could be whatever

his hosts wanted him to be 在度假胜地,他解释了一个被称为社交多面手的人,那人可以变成主人想要的任何角色

【近】 chancer, opportunist, temporizer, timeserver, trimmer, weathercock


【考法 1】 vt. 支持 / n. 支持者: to fight for, defend, or support as a champion

【例】 to champion the cause of civil rights 支持民权事业

【近】 advocate, back, endorse, patronize, plump for

【反】 disparage, impugn, oppose 贬低,反对


【考法 1】 n. 混乱 a condition or place of great disorder or confusion.

【例】 the boy's room is in such chaos that it looks as though a tornado had struck 小男孩的房间如此得混乱


【近】 disarrangement, dishevelment, disorder, disarray, havoc, mess, muddle, jumble, welter

【反】 order 有秩序

【派】 chaotic adj. 混乱的,无序的:happening in a state of complete disorder and confusion

【反】 strictly structured, strictly featured 构造严谨的,特征严谨的


【考法 1】 n. 装模作样: a display of emotion or behavior that is insincere or intended to deceive

【例】 His concern was a charade. 他的关心只是装模作样。

【近】 disguise, facade, playacting, pretense, put-on, semblance

【考法 2】 n. 动作字谜: a game in which words or phrases are represented in pantomime


【考法 1】 n. 骗子: a person who makes elaborate, fraudulent, and often voluble claims to skill or knowledge;

a quack or fraud.

【例】 the famed broker turned out to be a charlatan 一位有声望的经纪人结果是个骗子

【近】 fake, fraud, hoaxer, mountebank, phony, pretender, quack, imposter


【考法 1】 adj. 非常谨慎的: very cautious

【例】 chary investors who weren't burned by the dot-com bust 那些没有受到互联网萧条影响的谨慎投资者

【近】 alert, cautious, circumspect, conservative, gingerly, guarded, heedful, wary

【反】 rash, bold 卤莽的


【考法 1】 v. 镂雕(金属)以装饰: to decorate (metal) by engraving or embossing.

【考法 2】 v. 驱赶: to drive or force out

【例】 chase the cat out of the garden 把猫赶出园子

【近】 banish, dismiss, expel, extrude, kick out, cast out


【考法 1】 n. 分歧,意见、利益或忠诚上的明显差异: a pronounced difference of opinion, interests, or loyalty.

【近】 contradiction, dissent, disjunction, discord, conflict, rift, rivalry, dichotomy


【考法 1】 adj. 盲目爱国的: having or showing excessive favoritism towards one's own country

【例】 At times I have also been aggressive, chauvinistic and hot-tempered. 我曾经非常好斗,愤青,还脾气


【近】 jingoist, jingoistic, nationalistic, superpatriotic


【考法 1】 vt. 突然停止,阻止: to arrest the motion of abruptly

【例】 a tree finally checked the skidding car 一辆滑行的车终于被大树停止了

【近】 arrest, stall, bridle, contain, curb, tame, bring up, draw up, hold up, pull up

【反】 propagate, goad, hasten 扩增,驱使,促进

【考法 2】 vt. 同意,一致: to be in agreement on every point

【例】 their story of what happened checks with the report of the eyewitness 他们的说法和目击者的供词一

【近】 accord, cohere, conform, correspond, dovetail, fit, harmonize, jibe, tally

【反】 differ, disagree with 反对
