【考法 1】 v. 阻止,反对: to refuse assent, to refuse to give in to
【例】 buck the system 不遵守制度
【近】 defy, fight, oppose, repel, withstand
【反】 assent to, bow to, submit to, succumb to, surrender to, yield to 赞成,服从
【考法 2】 v. 转移,交接: to shift possession of (something) from one person to another
【例】 buck each box to the next person in line 将每一个盒子传给队伍中的后一人
【近】 transfer, hand over
【考法 1】 vi. 改变立场或态度: to alter a position or attitude
【例】 Nothing would budge him. 没有什么可以改变他的主意。
【考法 2】 v. 停止抵抗,屈服: to cease resistance (as to another’s arguments, demands, or control)
【例】 despite hours of intense pressure, she refused to budge from her position 尽管被连续施压几小时,她
【近】 concede, relent, submit, succumb, surrender
【反】 resist 拒绝,抵抗
【考法 1】 n. 凸起: a protuberant or swollen part or place
【例】 bulging eyes 暴鱼眼
【近】 convexity, projection, protrusion, protuberance, swell
【反】 depressed region, cavity, dent, indent, recess, pit 凹陷,坑
【考法 2】 n. 比赛中的优势地位: the more favorable condition or position in a competition
【例】 somehow she got the bulge on him in the race for the statehouse 她在州议员竞选中领先了他
【近】 high ground, inside track, upper hand, whip hand
【反】 disadvantage, drawback, handicap, liability 劣势
【考法 3】 n. 暴涨,突增,在数目或数量上突然而且是临时性的增加: a sudden, usually temporary increase
in number or quantity
【例】 The baby boom created a bulge in school enrollment. 生育高峰造成学校入学人数的暴涨。
【考法 4】 v. 充满: to be copiously supplied
【例】 this guidebook to San Francisco positively bulges with useful information 这本对旧金山的指南包含了很
【近】 brim, bristle, overflow, swarm, teem
【考法 1】 n. 欺凌弱小者: a person who habitually treats others in an overbearing or intimidating manner
【例】 they had to deal with the local bullies 他们要对付当地恶霸
【近】 bullyboy, hector, intimidator
【反】 underdog 被欺负的人
【考法 2】 adj. 最好的,最棒的: of the very best kind
【例】 that's a bully idea for reviving the town's retail center 真是个重整镇上零售中心的好主意
【近】 awesome, fabulous, fantastic, superb, marvelous, unsurpassed, excellent
【考法 1】 adj. 专横傲慢的,自以为是的: having a feeling of superiority that shows itself in an overbearing
【例】 a bumptious young man whose family wealth gave him a sense of entitlement 一个傲慢的富二代 || be
bumptious over one’s inferiors 对下级态度傲慢
【 近 】 assumptive, haughty, imperious, overweeing, peremptory, pompous, presuming, presumptuous,
self-assertive, supercilious
【反】 humble, modest, unarrogant, unpretentious 谦虚的,低调的
【考法 1】 vt. 办糟,失败: to act or work clumsily and awkwardly
【例】 bungle a job 搞砸了一项工作
【近】 boggle, bumble, fumble, mess up, screw up
【反】 bring off 成功
【考法 1】 vt. 使充满勇气和力量,使振作: to fill with courage or strength of purpose
【例】 the sudden improvement in his health buoyed him up 身体的突然好转让他很振奋
【近】 embolden, hearten, inspire, bear up, buck up
【反】 daunt, discourage, dishearten, dispirit 使沮丧,泼冷水
【考法 1】 adj. 有浮力的: capable of floating
【例】 a buoyant balloon 一个能浮起来的气球
【反】 leaden 沉重的
【考法 2】 adj. 心情好的: having or showing a good mood or disposition
【例】 in a buoyant mood 轻松快乐的心情
【近】 blithe, chipper, eupeptic, lightsome, upbeat, winsome, effervescent
【反】 dour, gloomy, morose, saturnine, sullen 沮丧的
【考法 1】 v. 迅速成长扩大,蓬勃发展: to grow and expand rapidly; flourish
【例】 My confidence began to burgeon. 我的信心开始迅速增强。
【近】 accelerate, accumulate, balloon, boom, build up, escalate, mount, multiply, mushroom, proliferate,, roll up,
snowball, wax, flourish, prosper
【反】 wane, wither, waste away, subside, subdue 衰退
【考法 1】 v. 夸张滑稽地模仿以嘲弄他人的文学艺术作品,恶搞: to copy or exaggerate (someone or something)
in order to make fun of
【例】 burlesquing the teacher's nervous tic isn't very nice 恶搞老师紧张的痉挛不是好的行为
【近】 caricature, imitate, mock, parody, spoof, travesty