Essay Assignment: Change Your Hometown
If you could change one important thingabout your hometown, what would you change? Use reasons and specific examplesto support your answer.
Score of 5
Although there are many problems inVancouver which each of them may need a precise plan to be solved, thetransportation systems insufficiencies can be considered the most important one.The transportation system of Vancouvershould be changed since people would be able to save a lot of their time andmoney and also tourists could travel more easily in the city.
Any improvement in transportationfacilities will help people to save both their money and their time. Thesechanges may include cheaper and faster ways like a well improved sky trainsystem. It has been proved that in big cities, an expanded and available skytrain system can encourage people not to use their own cars, which also wouldreduce the traffic related problems and the air pollution. Moreover, the abovementioned facility would be cheaper than any other way of transportation andwill help people to save a considerable amount of both their money and theirtime. I brief, a new and well organized transportation system can help peopleto spend less time and money to get to their jobs and also reduces the airpollution.
Additionally, a well organizedtransportation system will atract more tourist to our city which will improvethe economy of Vancouver. Having a better and cheaper access to differnt partof a city can be a good attractive factor for every touristic city. In otherword, to improve the tourism industry and absorb a greater number of tourist toour city, we have to mprove the transportation system of Vancouver.
It can be concluded that in order to helppeople to save their money and their time and to absorb more tourists to ourcitiy. authorities should improve the transportation system of Vancouver.(289 words)
Score of 4
My hometown is inMedan, Indonesia. It is a tiny town and has a very small number of population.The people are very friendly and hardworking. They work in the early morning toplant coms and
grains. They livein a humble house which made of bamboo.
However, educationis needed by the people in Medan. Most of the people in my town are illeterateand ignorant. This is because the number of school is limited and only can beattended by wealthy people. rm totally disagree with this, people will not haveany knowledge if they do not start learning from today. I would change theeducation system, therefore children and adults will have opportunity to learnand more educated. I would build more school buildings and donate some books.As you know people in the village cannot afford to buy books and stationary.
There is one morething I would like to mention, modem and new technology system is poorly knownby the villagers. For example farmers still use traditional system to growplants. The disadvantage to the farmers is time consuming. What I would do toimprove the farming system is introducing the latest machines to the farmerswhich may help them in producing more efficiently. Consequently, my hometowncan be better off as well as the people who live there.(224 words)
Score of 3
I would like to change the system ofgarbage collection of my hometown. Currently g seems the system is highlyinappropriate in many ways. For example. although bins and cans must be collectedseparately from other kinds of garbages in order to reuse or recycle themeasily, a has not yet be started m my hometown. Obviously g has become veryimportant to reuse or recycle these gems in terms of reduction of the entirevolume of gabage as well as the use of scarce resources. In addition, it couldbe pointed out that to some extent, it increses pollution which is produced bymaking more bins and cans. Therefore, from the environmental protection pointof view. I storongly believe that the system of barbage collection of my hometown must be changed to more appropriate one.(137 words)