听力万花筒 第401期:乌克兰拒绝俄罗斯救援车队入境 引发外交纷争
日期:2014-08-21 13:42


Ukraine: Red Cross Urged To Reject Russia Convoy

Diplomats fear Russia is using the aid convoy as a way of deepening its involvement in the civil war, Sky exclusively reveals.



乌克兰方面表示,任何外界援助都需要得到乌克兰政府批准,援助物资也必须由红十字会(Red Cross)来发放。基辅还警告称,莫斯科单方面提供的救援或会被认为是“侵犯行为”。


The convoy is at least 3 kilometers long and consists of 280 trucks, it set off from Moscow yesterday and is heading for the Ukraine border, hoping to end just north of Karkiv or on a route further east that's a journey of 620 miles, if it gets through, it's expected to travel to Luhansk, Russia says it's carrying 2,000 tons of humanitarian aid, this they say includes cereal, sugar, baby food, medical equipment and medicine, 12,000 sleeping bags and 69 generators. Thousands of people are believed to be short of water, electricity and medical aid in Donetsk and in the border town of Luhansk due to the bitter fighting there. The UN says the number of dead in the Ukraine conflict has doubled to more than 2,000 in just the two weeks between the end of July and the start of August.

  • involvementn. 包含,缠绕,混乱,复杂的情况
  • cerealn. 谷类食物,麦片 adj. 谷类的,谷物的
  • conflictn. 冲突,矛盾,斗争,战斗 vi. 冲突,争执,抵触
  • headingn. 标题,题目,航向 动词head的现在分词
  • exclusivelyadv. 排他地(独占地,专门地,仅仅,只)
  • routen. 路线,(固定)线路,途径 vt. 为 ... 安排
  • bordern. 边界,边境,边缘 vt. 与 ... 接壤,加边于