听力万花筒 第384期:时代华纳拒绝21世纪福克斯800亿美元收购提议
日期:2014-07-21 19:27


Why does Fox want Time Warner?
Media investment expert Porter Bibb explains why Rupert Murdoch's 21st Century Fox would offer to takeover Time Warner.

Why does fox want time warner? well, the tremendous energy and the big reason is the consolidation has been going on in the cable industry more to come, this gives fox huge leverage with the content, one of brother's tevevision, one of brother's, their TNT, TDS, all of content network really make fox equal to anybody that have to negotiate with distribution. this is quite a cluster of titans. absolutely, how acromonial to this get, i am actually going to get to how acronomial will get when the shareholder sit there and think you can't turn down at 20 or 25%xx. let's roll the clock back to regional AOL time, a lot of business story, business stragic action in the history in the world, jesson has done the fabulous job in mondetize the value the time warner has in spinning out time warner cable, all the assets that most recently that timming publishing come by, which is the biggest publishig magazine and printing publishing at the world.so what's got now is the chance to give more money to the shareholder for a deal that is really almost gonna be an inevitable deal. Because rupert is not going to be away, he can modertize the purchase time warner spinning out CNN, which is going have to do.becuae of anti-trust regulations, and CNN is likely to be equal to a quarter of third of the value of yester paid for time warner.stand by one second, we do have statesment from time warner, i am goting to re now, they are according to time warner, after consultation with financial and legal advisors, determine that was not in the best interest of time warner or its stock holder to accept the proposal or to persuit any discussion with 21st fox, the board is confident, that continually to excecute its strategy time will create significant more value to the company and its stock holders, and superium to any proposal and the fox has put on the table right now. for again, we'd like to get yoru reaction, this is definitely, people think it is the first offer that can not ignored. time warner say very clearly, we think we can run this company for the shareholder we will get value at the stand long company. i don't think get the value, at a stand lone company, we get the company value, how viable is it? i do not think the time warner has much gross opportunities which is going to be squeezed by cable distributors by other media companies, basiclly disney and 21st fox. he is doing a great game of pock. he is doing what he should do. he turn down rupert's very soft. but he and inter man had a very intimate, extensive conversation last month.how determine is mondock was to make this aquisition to time warner, repurt said in this morning, that in more or less, unquatable term, that it is not the end of way, he is not going to get away, he will keep the price there to let you get to. that was the statement that were ages. what i realy i want to talk, this is the definitely the game on for time warner and who do you think that. well, i am not sure any of body really can。 because the senator rupert to gain at least billion, maybe 2 billionk in terms of redundant asset, by putting time walner and fox tegether. he will also get somewhat 20 billion to spin out CNN, that is the real issue right now. it is google going to step up or maybe alibaba which is hot content last couple weeks that going to be the global forces. the whole of the media really pay premium for the CNN, make this aquisition by fox viable and affordable deal and benefit time warner shareholder at the same time.

  • portern. 搬运工,门房,(火车卧铺车厢或豪华车厢的)乘务员,
  • absolutelyadv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地
  • issuen. 发行物,期刊号,争论点 vi. & vt 发行,流
  • strategyn. 战略,策略
  • consultationn. 请教,咨询,协议会
  • conversationn. 会话,谈话
  • proposaln. 求婚,提议,建议
  • globaladj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的
  • networkn. 网络,网状物,网状系统 vt. (以网络)覆
  • stockn. 存货,储备; 树干; 血统; 股份; 家畜 adj