听力万花筒 第378期:美国最大的杯子蛋糕生产商Crumbs Bake倒闭
日期:2014-07-14 16:18


Crumbs cupcake shop closes
NN's Richard Quest reports on why the cupcake shop Crumbs abruptly shut its doors.

It all happened so quickly, some customers were caught unaware, this was the first Crumbs to open on Manhattan's upper west in 2013, it's now one of 65 across 12 states that closed its doors. Cake watchers are now looking closely to see if there is another cupcake calamity coming, for this competitor, Magnolia Bakery, nothing of the kind, their cupcakes are selling like hot cakes.As long as it's a good cupcake and the price is right, people will always buy them, it's an American status. I have a crush.
It's 15 years since this scene in Sex In The City put Magnolia and cupcakes on the map.
You don't consider the trend or craze because it's been such a significant amount of time since it first launched, we are not worried.
Magnolia has survived by diversifying from the humble cupcake and going international.
I feel like for me at least sometimes i don't want to eat a whole cake, and i don't want a piece of cake, and the cupcake is just enough.
A cupcake just enough for some, not quite enough for Crumbs.

  • calamityn. 灾难,不幸事件
  • questn. 探索,寻求 v. 寻找,搜索
  • statusn. 地位,身份,情形,状况
  • humbleadj. 卑下的,谦逊的,粗陋的 vt. 使 ... 卑
  • trendn. 趋势,倾向,方位 vi. 倾向,转向
  • abruptlyadv. 突然地,莽撞地,陡峭地,不连贯地
  • crushv. 压碎,碾碎,压榨 n. 压碎,压榨,拥挤,迷恋
  • scenen. 场,景,情景
  • unawareadj. 没有发觉的,不知道的