“面子”是中国人际交往和商业往来中的典型现象。“面子”在汉语中没有专门的定义,和“名声”的概念相近。如果你不太熟悉中国文化,你应该了解一下“面 子”或“有面子”。如果你不给别人“留面子”,他们会认为你不尊重他们。中国人生 活的方方面面都有“面子”的影子。中国人不喜欢说“不”,因为他们想给双方“留面子”,因此他们会说“现在不太方便”、“太难了”或“可能吧”,但是不会对别人只说-个“不”字。
“Face”,or “mianzi,is an evident phenomenon of personal and business relationships in China. “Face” does not have specific definitions in Chinese. It is very similar to the notion of reputation. If you are not familiar with Chinese culture, 1 :you should know something about face or gaining face. If you do not “save face”for others, they will think that you do not respect them. It is easy to find “face” in all aspects of Chinese life. Chinese people dislike to say the word “no”,for they want 1 to “save face” for both parties, so they may say “it is inconvenient for me right now”,“it is too difficult” or “maybe”,instead of merely saying “no” to others.
1.相近:也就是“相似”,可译为be similar to。
2.不熟悉:可用词组be not familiar with.来表达。
3.给别人留面子:可译为saveface for others。
4.中国人生活的方方面面:可译为m all aspects of Chinese life。介词短语in all aspects of:意为“?…的各个方面”。
5.双方:可译为both parties。
6.现在不太方便:可译为It is inconvenient for me right now.