1,Crush: vt.vi. 压碎,捣碎,紧抱,拥抱,挤进,挤入
The box was crushed when the carran over it.汽车辗过箱子时把它给压碎了。
He crushed her in his arms. 他把她紧紧抱在怀里。
As soon as the bus stopped, aboutfifty people tried to crush in. 公共汽车一停,就有五十来个人想往里挤。
Please crush up a little. 请稍微挤一挤。
2,Crush: n. 拥挤的人群
There was such a crush on the trainthat I could hardly breathe. 火车上挤得我都喘不过气来。
3,have a crush on somebody: 暗恋某人
The boy I’m having a crush ondoesn’t have a thing for me. 我暗恋的那个帅哥对我没一点感觉。这种情况很普便,你爱的人不爱你,爱你的人你不爱。每个人都有过“暗恋”经历吧。
I had a crush on my English teacherin high school. 我上高中时暗恋我的英语老师。
I have a crush on that handsomeguy. 我暗恋那个帅哥。
Ben has a crush on his musicteacher. 宾暗恋他的音乐教师。
I bet you have a crush on Merlin. 我敢说你爱上莫林了。
Don’t you have a crush on Jim, tellhim, and let him know. 你不是一直喜欢吉姆吗?告诉他吧,让他知道你的感情。
I’ve been having a crush on my bestfriend’s boyfriend, what am I supposed to do? 我一直暗恋我好友的男友,我该怎么办呢?