日期:2014-04-04 16:47


  An increasing number of people begin to realize/ complain/ question that...
  OR: The majority of people tend to have a favorable/ an unfavorable attitude towards something
  OR: XXX has now caused wide public concern
  OR: When it comes to... people often consider...
  The thing is, which XXX, A or B, (is a more efficient mean of learning/ what do we mean by)? People may give various answers to this question.
  OR:Ask people… and they may give a diverse of answers based on their individual value systems
  Some believe that… while others/ some claim…
  On balance, my favor goes to A.
  To begin with, I concede that B serves as an independent factor in (a successful education)/ is of great value/ B is superior to A since
  After all,
  However compelling these cases may sound, B is not without its problems.
  OR: However compelling these cases may sound, they cannot overshadow the significant role that A plays in XX.
  For example,
  In this sense,
  Therefore, too much emphasis on B is actually dangerous/ harmful and may go contrary to our primary purpose of
  On the other hand, A can address/ respond to some people’s needs that B cannot
  For one thing,
  For another,
  In the final analysis, it is true that both A and B are part and parcel of X. However, considering the potential problems resulted from B and the great benefits of A, I believe it is sensible to (choose A)

  • superiorn. 上级,高手,上标 adj. 上层的,上好的,出众的
  • overshadowvt. 遮阴,使失色
  • respondv. 回答,答复,反应,反响,响应 n. [建]壁
  • concedevt. 承认,给予 vi. 让步
  • analysisn. 分析,解析
  • claimn. 要求,要求权;主张,断言,声称;要求物 vt. 要
  • sensibleadj. 可察觉的,意识到的,实用的 n. 可感知物
  • emphasisn. 强调,重点
  • tendv. 趋向,易于,照料,护理
  • complainvi. 抱怨,悲叹,控诉