日期:2014-04-04 20:33



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Felipe likes to be ____ on rainy days.

a) at home

b) outside

2) What does Felipe like to do when it rains?

a) Go running

b) Try to sleep

3) Why does Felipe like to stay in bed?

a) It's warm.

b) He's lazy


Topic:What do you like to do on a rainy day?

Hello. My name is Felipe. I'm from Colombia. The question is what do you like to do on a rainy day?

I think pretty much what I like to do is to be at home. I don't really feel like going out. So often when it gets rainy I will stay at home and do some homework or just, one of the things that I really enjoy when it's rainy is to sleep. Well, let's say to try to sleep because, you know, what I like is to be listening while it's raining. I think that's, it feels, I don't know, you feel like, you know, outside it's really cold but then you're inside your bed and it feels like warm. I like that feeling. So I think I would stay at home, do some homework and it's, make something, like some chocolate or make some tea and just enjoy myself inside.


a b a
