日期:2014-04-02 13:20



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) In high school, Chris ____.

a) dressed differently

b) wore thick glasses

2) Chris thinks he looked ____ in high school.

a) like a dork

b) very fashionable

3) How did Aiste's mother dress her?

a) In big dresses

b) Like a boy


Topic:Has your life changed?

Aiste: Hello. This is Aiste from Lithuania and Christophe from Belgium for elllo.org and now we're going to talk about a question that's called have you changed? Christophe, do you think you've changed in your life and if that is the case how?

Christophe: I think I have changed from the way I look compared to how I looked ten years ago. When I was in high school, I had Brylcreem in my hair that was, and my hair was all like this and like very ugly and I also had glasses with really thick, thick glass. So I looked like a dork.

Aiste: A dork? Well?

Christophe: What about you?

Aiste: Well, when I was small, I would have had very, very long hair and my mum used to dress me with kind of Sound of Music style dresses that were very girlish but I wasn't really getting into the fashion of that time, primary school, so that wasn't very....

Christophe: That's poor Aiste.


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