zodiac constellation, late 14c., from L. taurus "bull," from PIE *tauro- "bull" (cf. Gk. tauros, L. taurus "bull, bullock, steer;" O.C.S. turu "bull, steer;" Lith. tauras "aurochs;" O.Pruss. tauris "bison"), often said to be from PIE *steu-ro- "be big, be strong, be sturdy" (cf. Skt. sthura- "thick, compact," Avestan staora- "big cattle," M.Pers. stor "horse, draft animal," Goth. stiur "young bull," O.E. steor, see steer (n.)). Klein proposes a Sem. origin (cf. Aramaic tora "ox, bull, steer," Heb. shor, Arabic thor, Ethiopian sor). Meaning "person born under the sign of the bull" is recorded from 1901. Hence also tauromachy "bull-fighting," from Gk. tauromakhia (see -machy).
经希腊哈莫尼亚地方的贝纳斯河,国王贝纳斯有位美丽的公主赫洛蓓。有一天,公主和侍女们到野外摘花,玩耍,突然出现一只如雪花般洁白的牛,以级温柔的眼光著赫洛蓓,其实这只牛是仰慕公主美色的宙斯变的。一开始公主的确大吃一惊,但仍走向温驯的牛只身旁,轻轻抚摸它。由於公牛显得非常乖巧而温驯,於是公主就放心的爬到牛背上试骑,忽然间牛奔跑了起来,最后跳进爱琴海。公主紧抱著牛,海里生物皆出来向宙斯行礼,公主终於知道牛是宙斯的化身,到了克里特岛后,就和宙斯举行婚礼, 化身为牛的宙斯和赫洛蓓公主过著幸福的日子。