oxygen 氧
即形成酸的元素,希腊语Oxys(酸),后缀-gen。 1774年,普里斯特利访问法国,把制氧方法告诉A.-L.拉瓦锡 ,后者于1775年重复这个实验,把空气中能够帮助呼吸和助燃的气体称为oxygene,这个字来源于希腊文oxygenēs,含义是“酸的形成者”。
Etymologically, oxygen means‘acid-former’. The word was coined in French in the late 1780s as oxygène, based on Greek oxús ‘sharp, acid’ (a descendant of the same Indo- European base, *ak- ‘be pointed’, as produced English acid, acute, etc) and the Greek suffix-genes, denoting ‘formation, creation’ (adescendant of the Indo-European base *gen-‘produce’, which has given English a vast range of words, from gene to genocide).
oxygenate 氧化处理
oxygenator 充氧器
oxyhaemoglobin 氧化血红素
oxyacid 含氧酸
acid 酸味的,尖刻的
acidly 不悦的,心地不良地
acidophilus 嗜酸的
acidulous 带酸的;带讽刺意味的
acuity 尖锐,(疾病的)剧烈,(视力、才智等的)敏锐
aculeate 有刺的,一针见血的;
acumen 敏锐,聪明
acuminate 锐利的,尖型的
acute 敏锐的;极大的,严重的;急性的
acute accent 重音符