趣味英语起源论第556期:Magnesium 镁
日期:2014-04-11 09:00



Magnesium 镁

1808年5月。英国化学家戴维(Sir Humphry Davy,17781829)电解汞和氧化镁的混合物,得到镁汞齐,将镁汞齐中的汞蒸馏后,就提到了银的色的金属镁。

镁的英文名称为Magnesium,它的命名取自希腊文,原意是"美格尼西亚",因为在希腊的美格尼西亚城附近当时盛产一种名叫苦土的镁矿(就是氧化镁),古罗马人把这种矿物称为"美格尼西·阿尔巴(magnesia alba)”,“alba”的意思是“白色的美格尼西亚”。我国则根椐这个词的和经一音译成镁,镁元素符号为Mg。

magnet Greek Mágnēs líthos meant ‘stone from Magnesia’ – Magnesia being a region of Thessaly, Greece where much metal was obtained. It had two specific applications: to ore with magnetic properties, and to stone with a metallic sheen. And it was the first of these that has come down to English via Latin magnēta as magnet. English magnesia comes from the same source, but it is not clear how it came to be applied (in the 18th century) to ‘magnesium oxide’, for it originally denoted, in the rather vague terminology of the alchemists a ‘constituent of the philosopher’s stone’. In the 17th century it was used for ‘manganese’ (and manganese itself comes via French from Italian manganese, an alteration of medieval Latin magnēsia). And when the term magnesium was introduced (at the suggestion of the chemist Sir Humphry Davy), it too at first denoted ‘manganese’.

magnetic 有磁性的,有吸引力的

magnetism 磁性,磁学;个人吸引力,个人魅力

magnetite 磁铁矿

magnetize 使得有磁性;紧紧吸引住,迷住

magneto 磁发电机

magneton 磁子

  • medievaladj. 中世纪的
  • magnetismn. 磁性,吸引力,磁学
  • magnetn. 磁体,磁铁,有强大吸引力的人或物
  • magneticadj. 有磁性的,有吸引力的,催眠术的
  • specificadj. 特殊的,明确的,具有特效的 n. 特效药,特性
  • vagueadj. 模糊的,不明确的,犹豫不决的,茫然的
  • sourcen. 发源地,来源,原始资料
  • oren. 矿,矿石