日期:2014-03-27 17:18


托福写作正确使用倒装句能给自己的托福作文增添很多印象分,倒装句类型中,有的属于比较常用的,比如so that句型,但也有一些是容易错误使用的。下面为大家详细介绍一些托福写作倒装句类型及如何正确使用。
  So big is the classroom that it may hold ten thousand people.
  So fast does he run that the train couldn’t catch up with him.
  ② As…as(more…than…) 比较结构
  I run as fast as he did-----I run as fast as did he.
  My sister is among those students.----Among those students is my sister.
  E.g. Contrary to/coincident with the opinion of many people is my heartfelt (忠心的) objection to/agreement with the idea that students should study together with classmates.
  Those people/parents who hold the opinion that money is the only symbol of success are satisfied with/contented with/interested in/worried about/opposed to their children finding a high-paying and long-working job.------------Satisfied with/contented with/interested in/worried about/opposed to their children finding a high-paying and long-working job are those people/parents who hold the opinion that money is the only symbol of success
  Arguing for those students living outside the campus are those people who hold the opinion that independence is the most critical characteristic of a university student
  Rich though he is, he is unhappy.
  Though the advantages (that owning a business enjoys/leads to/results in) are considerable/wonderful/numerous, they cannot compete with the benefits (that working for others brings about/causes), when/if responsibility is taken into consideration/deliberation/account.
  Though the advantages that living in outside the campus enjoys are considerable, they cannot compete with the benefits that living in inside the campus brings about, when safety is taken into consideration. ---- considerable though the advantages that living in outside the campus enjoys are, they cannot compete with the benefits that living in inside the campus brings about, when safety is taken into consideration.
  No/not/never/Neither/nor/ (全部否定)
  Never will I form an idea that bicycles affect human beings’ life style most profoundly among all transportation means.
  Only though this crisis do I understand that you love me best in the world.

  • independencen. 独立,自主,自立
  • considerableadj. 相当大的,可观的,重要的
  • criticaladj. 批评的,决定性的,危险的,挑剔的 adj. 临
  • affectvt. 影响,作用,感动
  • contentedadj. 满足的,心安的 动词content的过去式和过
  • symboln. 符号,标志,象征
  • deliberationn. 熟虑,审议
  • coincidentadj. 同时发生的,巧合的,一致的,符合的
  • objectionn. 反对,异议
  • unhappyadj. 不快乐的,不高兴的