US first lady Michelle Obama (center), her daughters Sasha (left) and Malia (second from left), her mother, Marian Robinson (right), and Peng Liyuan, wife of President Xi Jinping, pose for photographers as they visit the Forbidden City in Beijing on Friday. AFP Photo
The US first lady Michelle Obama, who flew Wednesday from Washington, D.C., is making a week-long trip to three Chinese cities and will deliver speeches on bilateral cooperation in education during the tour.
“第一夫人外交”(first lady diplomacy)是美国一项外交传统,作为柔性外交(soft diplomacy)的重要承担者,美国第一夫人往往也是地位特殊的大使,在增强文化沟通(cultural exchange)、宣传国家形象(promote national image)、强化外交关系(strengthen diplomatic ties)等方面,起着不可替代的作用。
米歇尔此次携两个女儿和母亲共同访问中国,表明中美两国的关系并不限于领导人之间的会面交流,还有人民之间的交流(people-to-people exchange)。美国白宫网站专门制作的第一夫人访华的专题页面,公布了详细的日程(detailed schedule),米歇尔每天会更新一篇日志(travel log),同时会在社交媒体上用照片和视频等方式与网友互动。
米歇尔这次访华,也反映了双方对中美关系处于关键转折期的高度重视。中国希望与美国建立“新型大国关系”(a new model of China-US relationship),愿同美方加强对话(enhance dialogue),增进互信(boost mutual trust),深化合作(boost cooperation),妥处分歧(properly handle differences)。