日期:2014-03-21 19:36



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) The first bus passed Aiste because it was ____.

a) in a hurry

b) too full

2) How did Aiste finally get to the exam?

a) By bus

b) By taxi

3) Did Aiste take the exam?

a) Yes, she was lucky

b) No, she was too late


Topic:What is your worst experience?

Aiste: Hello. My name is Aiste and I'm from Lithuania. This is for elllo.org.

Chris: Yes, it is and I am Chris from Belgium and I want to know, Aiste, what is the worst experience that you ever had so far?

Aiste: Well, the one I can remember is that I had exam last week and...

Chris: You had exam?

Aiste: Yes, and I wanted to go to exam. I have to take bus for half an hour and I was waiting in the bus stop and the bus just passed me because it was too full. There were so many people taking the same exam and the bus just passed me and didn't stop. I was so angry and so worried. I was afraid to be late for exam because the exam was very important and that was really unpleasant feeling.

Chris: Oh, I would have been very, very angry. So could you do your exam?

Aiste: Yeah. Finally I was thinking all the time whether I should take taxi or wait for the next bus. I decided to wait for the next bus. It came and I was the last person that was able to enter the bus.

Chris: Oh my God. You were so lucky.

Aiste: I was lucky indeed.

Chris: So after all it's not really a worse experience, a bad experience?

Aiste: It was a very bad experience but it ended in a good way luckily.

Chris: Yes.


b a a
