日期:2014-03-18 09:34



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) What is Chris training for?

a) To break a record

b) A wrestling match

2) Aiste doesn' want him to train because he will ____

a) get hurt

b) be too strong

3) Chris says extreme sports are good ____

a) for your mind

b) for your lungs


Topic:How do you keep fit?

Chris: Hello. I am Chris from Belgium and this is for elllo.org.

Aiste: And I'm Aiste from Lithuania. So Chris, I think you like extreme sports, don't you? Enough.

Chris: Yeah, I'm training for the Guinness world record push ups. I want to break the Guinness world record of push ups.

Aiste: What is the record now?

Chris: One thousand, two hundred forty six.

Aiste: No, no, come on. It's not nice at all. It's too extreme. It's not, it's, it will destroy you.

Chris: No, no, it's very healthy because it's very good for your muscles and for your heart and for your lungs. It's very healthy. Extreme sports are actually, I love them. I think it's very healthy because people say it's not healthy, it's too much, but I don't believe that. It makes you stronger so I like it.

Aiste: OK, try your best.


a b b
