第一题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?In twenty years’ time, people will lead a more leisurely life.
1) 人越来越多,人们竞争更激烈。
2) 移动设备的发展使得人们模糊了工作和生活的界限。
3) 房价上涨,物价上涨。人们为生存奔波,不得停歇。
1) 人们的休闲意识增加了。
2) 政府会制定更多的假期。比如80年代是一周休息1天。现在一周休2天。
3) 科技发展,用机器代替人力。
1) The traditional image of an office worker clocking off at 5p.m, heading home after a hard day and putting all thoughts of work to bed until 9 am no longer applies for the majority of today’s employees. Boundaries between work and home lives are blurring.传统的办公室员工下午5点结束工作,回家,睡觉到早上9点再工作的形象已不适用于现在的员工。
2) The sheer quantity and sophistication in mobile technology now available has served to further intensify the blurring between home and work, making it easier than ever to work on the move and to transfer content between devices.高科技无处不在,这使得通过各种设备传递信息比以往任何时候都方便。这进一步模糊了工作和生活的界限。
第二题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents do not understand their children as well as parents did in 50 years ago.
1) 现在的父母一般只有一个小孩,尤其韩国和中国。所以很重视。
2) 现在的父母不用四处为生活奔波,有时间陪小孩。
3) 现在很多杂志,网站,机构帮助父母,告诉他们通过各种合适的方式去理解孩子。
1) one child policy独生子女政策
2) parents nowadays have time to keep their kids company.现在的父母有时间陪孩子。
3) have easy access to magazines and websites很容易买到杂志,上网
第三题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Having a low-paying but secure job is better than having a high-paying job that can be lost easily. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1) You need money to buy things, both necessities and desirables.
2)Money is an important tool in our lives and gives us a better life and it can bring great comfort in life.
3) Without money, we do not have accommodation, food, and clothes which are considered the basic necessities.
4)A millionaire can pay a lot of money for the best hospital, best doctor and best technology while a poor unemployed woman mainly depend on social subsidies with cheapest medicines.
5) Money provides access to everything you want because that′s how society is structured.
6) If you have children, money can give them the best education and health care.
7) If you have money you have more control over your life and it makes you feel more secure.
8) Without money, it′s hard to do the things you want, and even more difficult do the things you need.
9) self-improvement自我提升
10)pose a threat to one’s health对某人的健康不利
11)physical and mental health身心健康
12)be detrimental to one’s health对健康有害
第四题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order for a business to succeed, it must put more money in advertising.
1) 让步段。广告的确很重要。但是只有广告是不够的。(后面的观点选2个写就可以了)
2) 产品质量也很关键。
3) 产品创新也是不可忽略的因素。
4) 产品的售后服务也要跟上。
1)Frequent advertising builds awareness, awareness builds familiarity, and familiarity builds trust. If a brand stops advertising, prospects and current customers may think it is troubled or out of business.
2)A well-executed, targeted campaign can trigger quick sales. Unique, strategically-grounded advertising turns wants into needs.
3)Your customers expect you to deliver quality products. If you do not, they will quickly look for alternatives. Quality is critical to satisfying your customers and retaining their loyalty so they continue to buy from you in the future. Quality products make an important contribution to long-term revenue and profitability. They also enable you to charge and maintain higher prices.
4)Quality influences your company’s reputation. The growing importance of social media means that customers and prospects can easily share both favorable opinions and criticism of your product quality on forums, product review sites and social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter. A strong reputation for quality can be an important differentiator in markets that are very competitive. Poor quality or a product failure that results in a product recall campaign can create negative publicity and damage your reputation.
5)The things you sell to consumers must also be safe, and not just for legal reasons. If you are in the food industry and you sell rotten food to a customer, it can lead to health issues for that person. Similarly, if you sell an electronics device that has not passed safety inspections, it can lead to safety issues for the consumer, like an electrical fire or shock. Malfunctioning or unsafe products are a threat in almost every industry, and could lead to dangerous situations for your customers.
6)pay heed to creativity关注创新
7)Some customers are price-sensitive有些顾客对价格很敏感
8)after-sales service售后服务
9)…should be the first priority.优先要考虑的事情
10)ensure products’ quality and affordability确保产品质量好价格低
第五题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teaching is harder than it was in the past.
1) 学生的要求更高了。需要老师有知识,有文化,还得有幽默感。
2) 现在上学的孩子越来越多。但是老师数量显然不够。这样一个老师要管好多小孩。
3) 现在知识更新更快了。需要老师不断保持学习状态。
1) 有高科技辅助教学。老师讲解知识更轻松,学生更容易懂。
2) 现在学生和家长都意识到教育的重要性。学生大都能自主学习。不用老师费时间费精力劝说学生努力学习。
3) 政府对教育的资助加大。教师地位和工资得到提高。这样有助于教师心无旁骛教学。
1) demanding要求苛刻的
2) the quantity数量
3) have a sense of humor有幽默感
4) broaden One’s knowledge拓展知识面
5) …have made teachers’ work much easier…使得教师工作更简单(比如电脑和投影仪facilities like computers and projectors)
第六题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Should the government support artists or should artists support themselves?
1) 有些传统艺术,如果没有政府资助,会消亡。这样文化多样性,国家历史就缺失了。
2) 艺术和工业相结合,提升各行各业的国际竞争力。促进经济的发展。
3) 艺术的发展促进旅游业的发展。
4) 很多艺术家也是教育家。如果艺术家得到政府资助,发展得好,那么学生们也会受益。
1) die out消亡
2) cultural diversity文化多样性
3) pose a threat to our culture对我们的文化造成威胁
4) the combination of arts and industries结合艺术和工业
5) competitive edge/advantage竞争优势(这是一个固定搭配一定要熟记)
6) boost tourism促进旅游业
7) Many artists serve as educators.很多艺术家也是教育家。
第七题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People can solve problems by themselves or with help from their families. So there’s no need for the government to help them.
1)Under the sponsorship of资助
2)Nine-year compulsory education九年义务教育
3)Bear the considerable cost of tuition fees负担高额的学费
4)Health care(医疗保健) is expensive and few individuals can afford to pay the full costs. Having the government support of medical care allows you to get the treatment you need without incurring(引起) huge medical bills.
6)External invasion外来侵略
7)Enrich one’s cultural life by going to concerts and museums去听音乐会和参观博物馆以丰富自己的文化生活
8)The government support is very important for the cultural life of the city.政府的资助对这个城市的文化生活非常重要。
9)A part equipped with a playground, ball fields, and a historical museum设有一个游戏场、若干球场和一座历史博物馆的公园。
第八题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Improving school is the most important factor for the successful development of a country.
1) A country’s development means more than a buoyant economy or technological advancement. (一个国家的发展不仅仅是经济繁荣和技术的提升。)
2) a decline/fall in moral standards道德水准的下降
3)high moral standards高的道德标准
4)Morality describes the principles that govern our behavior. Without these principles in place, societies cannot survive for long.道德指导我们的行为。没有原则,社会就会完蛋。(例如三鹿为了利润在奶粉里添加三聚氰胺melamine;一些年轻人不通过努力工作挣钱而是抢劫,诈骗。只有个人的道德素质提高,后代的道德也会提高。)
5)produce talents培养人才
6)Brain drain人才流失(中国教育在很多方面比不上美国教育所以很多人选择去了美国,这样中国就遭受人才流失的痛苦)
7)China and India have recently been documented as the world leaders in brain drain.中国和印度是人才流失最严重的国家。
8)He who opens a school door, closes a prison. Victor Hugo雨果(学校开,监狱关)
9)Education helps people gain sufficient academic qualification so that they are able to get suitable employment at a later stage.
10)When faced with the option of choosing between a highly qualified candidate and a not so educated candidate, the employers will most probably go in for the qualified person..
11)An educated person knows what is best for him/her, knows the difference between right and wrong and will not do things that may harm his image.
第九题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Your job has more effect on your happiness than your social life does.
1) 人是否幸福和经济状况有关。而对大多数人来说,工作是经济来源。一般来说,当人没有经济上的忧虑的时候,人就会比较幸福。
2) 幸福还意味着强烈的成就感。一般来说,工作比社交生活更容易带来成就感或者挫败感。当一个人工作做得好,得到同事和老板认可的时候,他会觉得很幸福,因为觉得自己有用。而当一个人工作做不好,被批评的时候,就会不开心。
3) 工作占据一个人大部分的时间和精力。当你享受工作的时候,你的大部分时间都会很开心。而当你做一份自己讨厌的工作时,你一天都不会开心。