听力万花筒 第299期:克林顿促北爱尔兰完成和平进程
日期:2014-03-12 05:31


Clinton Heckled During Northern Ireland Speech
The former US president hits back at the interruption to his talk, asking the heckler: "You wanna give this speech?"

He had to come to honor John Hume, the architect of the peace process, together they crossed the iconic peace bridge connecting protestant and Catholic communities.
Hundreds are waiting at the Guilthall at London Derry, among them a small group of anti-war protestors. The former president took their heckling in his straight.
If you look around the world today, this inner defendant world, it's been very good to some of us and it's been pretty rough on others. And it has been pretty rough on you for the last few years. The world has too much economic...You want to give this speech? The Iraqi problem is they don't have an inclusive government, either. And if they did, if they followed your lead, they will be in better safe.
It's 19 years since the then US president paid his first historic visit to this city. His latest comes made the riot over letters of immunity for alleged terrorists on the run.
President Clinton didn't talk specifically about the last week's political crisis, but he did tell people that the peace process in this small place had become an example to the large world and they must finish the job.
He urged them to follow the example of President Mandela by recognizing that freedom comes from the unprepared to least the past behind.

  • immunityn. 免疫,免疫性,免除
  • defendantn. 被告
  • roughadj. 粗糙的,粗略的,粗暴的,艰难的,讨厌的,不适的
  • architectn. 建筑师
  • interruptionn. 打岔,中断