听力万花筒 第297期:俄罗斯威胁将没收资产 欧美企业倍感担忧
日期:2014-03-10 08:21


Russian threat to seize U.S., EU assets
CNN's Phil Black reports Russia has historically responded to perceived criticism with robust actions.

Russian lawmakers are now drafting a bill of law Moscow to confess the assets of American and European company there, The Russian retailiation would have rather relatively smaller than bank in the United Sates. According to the Wall Street Journal, Russia in first beck up just earner one person of American pray but Europe on the other hand, as far more the lose, in straight of bloom in the post Soviet era, just the first line month of last year for example, the European Union imported more than 200 billions dollars worth goods from Russia. CNS black are corresponded to Moscow, is joinning us now, Filph has really an appetite for sanctions that would end up punishing both sides, the Russian side, the European side, including the United States.
Wolf the moment this is draft before Russia's parliament, it's unclear just how much support it has. But this sort of move does fit recent history recently when Russia has felt its being harassed on faily by the international community, it's responsible often to lasha even harder sometimes coming back in the completely different direction with the issues that don't automatically ensue relevent to the precise issues at the sets of the comfort, the clear example would see recently when United States congress passes leads him act punish human rights of abuse in this country. Russia was out rise it responded by passing a legislation which made a legal for American families to adopt Russian orphans. In that case, many thought it was Russian orphans that will pay the price in that dispute, but from the point of view of Russian politicians, they believed and made the point, it said Russia is a strong independant country and other countries should butter out of this orphan's affairs. So in this case, in the event that Europe the United States do procede with economic sanctions. You can certainly expect a very road bus respond of some sort from Moscow.

  • adoptv. 采用,收养,接受
  • appetiten. 嗜好,食欲,欲望
  • communityn. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落
  • draftn. 草稿,草图,汇票,徵兵 vt. 起草,征兵,选秀
  • ensuev. 跟着发生,继起,因而产生
  • legislationn. 立法,法律
  • preciseadj. 精确的,准确的,严格的,恰好的
  • legaladj. 法律的,合法的,法定的
  • unclearadj. 不清楚的;不易了解的
  • comfortn. 舒适,安逸,安慰,慰藉 vt. 安慰,使舒适