日期:2014-03-02 19:55



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Does Gaew worry about her appearance?

a) No

b) Yes

c) Sometimes

2) Why does she worry about her appearance?

a) She wants to feel confident

b) She wants to hide her true feeling

c) How she looks is how people judge her

3) What does she say about meeting a lot of people?

a) She loves meeting people

b) She does not like it

c) It is hard work


Topic:Do you worry about your appearance?

Hello, my name is Gaew and I'm from Thailand. My question is: do you worry about your appearance? Well, yes, because I what I put up with my appearance is what people are going to think of me. That is why sometimes my appearance is not always the same, so it depends on where I am going. Well, that is also one of the reasons I really don't like to meet a lot of people because then I have to care a lot more about my appearance than if I am alone with only friends. And that's it. Thanks.


b c b
