Bromine 溴
1826 年巴拉德发表了论文《海藻中的新元素》。另外,他把氯气通到从地中海盐场中获得的废海盐的母液里,第一次获得了溴。开始,巴拉德建议把发现的新元素取名为“muride”,即“卤”,它源自拉丁词 muria,意为“盐水”。巴拉德把自己的发现通知了巴黎科学院。 科学院把这个新元素改称为“Bromine”,源自希腊词“bromos”,意为“恶 臭”。因为它具有恶臭味,且是唯一的在常温下处于液态的非金属元素,因此中文名“溴”。
bromide Potassium bromide is used as a sedative, and it was that which inspired the American humorist Gelett Burgess’s book Are You A Bromide? (1906), in which he metaphoricized bromide as a ‘dull conventional person’. In British English it is the more abstract figurative sense ‘trite or conventional remark’ that has caught on. Bromide was based on bromine, the name of a liquid element, which in turn was formed from French brome. The element was so christened, from Greek brōmos ‘stench’, because of its highly irritant and unpleasant smell.
bromidic adj. 平庸的; 无聊的; 陈腐的
bromide n. 嗅化物, 佣俗的人, 平凡的人