趣味英语起源论第532期:Krypton 氪
日期:2014-03-18 09:00



Krypton 氪

1898 年,英国化学家拉姆赛(W.Ramsay)和特拉弗斯(M.W.Travers)用化学方法以红热的铜和镁从空气样品中除去氧和氮后,将剩余的 25ml 残余 气体混合物(惰性气体)转入一个与感应圈相联的普律克管里去观察它的光谱,只见一条黄色明线,比氦线略带绿色,另一条光辉的绿线,也不和氩、 氦等气体的谱线位置重合,作新气体的密度测定发现在周期表上它位于溴和铷之间,从而确定了存在一种新的元素。这就是氪(Krypton)。氪(Krypton)的命名源自希腊语“Kryptos”,原意是“隐藏”、“隐匿的”,即隐藏于空气中多年才被发现。

hide English has two words hide in current usage, probably from an identical Indo-European source. The verb, ‘conceal’ [OE], which has no living relatives among the Germanic languages, comes from a prehistoric West Germanic *khūdjan. This was derived from a base which probably also produced English hoard, huddle, and hut, and goes back to Indo-European *keudh-, source also of Greek keúthein ‘cover, hide’, Welsh cuddio ‘hide’, and Breton kuzat‘hide’.

Hide ‘skin’ [OE]and its Germanic relatives, German haut, Dutch huid, and Swedish and Danish hud, come ultimately from Indo-European *keut-, which also produced Latin cutis ‘skin’ (source of English cuticle and cutaneous) and Welsh cwd ‘scrotum’. The semantic link between the two hides is‘covering’.

conceal Conceal can be traced back to the Indo-European base *kel- ‘hide’, which was also the source of English apocalypse, cell, occult, and probably color. It formed the basis of the Latin verb cēlāre ‘hide’, which was strengthened by the intensive prefix com- to produce concēlāre. This reached English via Old French conceler. Another offshoot of the Latin verb was the adverb clam ‘secretly’; from this was formed the adjective clandestīnus, acquired by English as clandestine in the 16th century.

hoard n.贮藏

v.贮藏, 储存

【同】 accumulate amass collect gather save store

huddle n. 杂乱一团, 混乱, 拥挤

v. 推挤, 乱堆, 草率了事

【同】 assemble cluster congregate crowd gather

hut n.小屋, 棚屋



【同】 cabin shack shanty shed

cutaneous adj. 皮肤的, 影响皮肤的

cuticle n.表皮, 外皮,角质层

【同】: carapace epidermis shell shield

apocalypse n. 启示; 启示录; 天启

occult adj. 神秘的, 不可思议的, 超自然的

n. 神秘学

【同】eclipse mysterious mystic mystical occult arts orphic secret supernatural

  • coveringn. 覆盖物,遮避物 adj. 掩护的,掩盖的
  • semanticadj. 语义的
  • identicaladj. 相同的,同一的
  • basen. 基底,基础,底部,基线,基数,(棒球)垒,[化]碱
  • gatherv. 聚集,聚拢,集合 n. 集合,聚集
  • hoardv. & n. 贮藏,秘藏 vt. 贮藏
  • currentn. (水、气、电)流,趋势 adj. 流通的,现在的,
  • clandestineadj. 秘密的,暗中的
  • ultimatelyadv. 最后,最终
  • celln. 细胞,电池,小组,小房间,单人牢房,(蜂房的)巢室