日期:2014-01-20 19:38



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Heido does not go to sleep until twelve or one o'clock because she likes to ______ .

a) listen to music

b) chat with friends

2) Why does she have to get up early on weekdays?

a) To catch a bus

b) To finish her homework

3) At weekends Heidi wakes up around ________ .

a) ten o'clock

b) eleven or twelve o'clock


Topic:How much sleep do you get every night?

Hello everyone, this is Heidi. I'm from Mongolia.

This is elllo.org and my question is how much sleep do you get every night?

Well for me I go to sleep around twelve or one o'clock in the morning because I love to chat with my friends before going to bed and I usually wake up around six thirty in order to catch my bus to school and if it's a weekend or a day off, I sleep until eleven or twelve and I totally sleep around six or five hours a day if it's a week day.

If it's a weekend I can sleep around seven or eight hours a day. Thank you.


b a b
