听力万花筒 第256期:中国雪龙号完成南极救援俄被困人员工作
日期:2014-01-10 06:29


Antarctica: Shokalskiy Passengers Rescued
All 52 scientists and tourists on board a ship trapped by ice since Christmas Eve have been airlifted to safety.


We’ve just heard that a helicopter, the Chinese icebreaker, Julong is heading over to check out our helipad just behind me. If it all goes well, we’ll be off in about an hour’s time.
In the end it was help from above which came to the rescue of the stranded scientists and tourists, with their ship firmly wedged in 3m thick ice, the 52 passengers from the Akademik Shokalskiy waited patiently for their turn in the helicopter. A dozen people at a time were flown off the ice.
It’s first of the helicopters to take us home.
Thanks, everyone.
The Akademik got stuck on Christmas eve, three ships try to come and set her free—French vessel L’astrolabe, Australia’s Aurora Australis, and the Chinese Julong, meaning snow dragon, all failed to break the ice and set the Akademik free. But the snow Dragon stayed in free water, and when the weather cleared, its chopper airlifted the passengers to safety. They are now on the Aurora Australis ready for the 15,000 nautical mile journey to Tasmania.
With a rescue by sea not possible, the chopper was the last hope. The passengers foot in some legwork and created their own temporary helipad. But not everyone has left the ship, rescue coordinators in Australia are in touch with the 22 Russian crew members who’ve stayed on board. It’s fully operational, it’s fully prepared to be in the ice. It’s well stored and well provisioned, so the risks will be low for the crew.
It was a Christmas and New Year the stranded passengers won’t forget, at least now, they can properly celebrate, but they may well face criticism too, with 3 working ships diverted and what’s been a difficult and expensive operation.
Johansson Samuels, Sky News, Sydney.

  • celebratev. 庆祝,庆贺,颂扬
  • vesseln. 容器,器皿,船,舰 n. 脉管,血管,[植]
  • crewn. 全体船员,全体乘务员,(一组)工作人员 vi
  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案
  • temporaryadj. 暂时的,临时的 n. 临时工
  • headingn. 标题,题目,航向 动词head的现在分词
  • nauticaladj. 海上的,航海的,船员的
  • rescuevt. 营救,援救 n. 营救,救援